
YOGYAKARTA The burning of calories in sports turns out to be different, both in the form of push ups, sit ups, and even yogas. Each movement has its own portion of calories. One thing that is often asked is how many calories push ups do you burn?

Push up exercise is often done because the movement is easy and does not require a lot of room and preparation. You can even push up in the bedroom. Push up also helps train the body's muscles, especially in the chest, shoulders, and recipes to make them stronger.

Push up not only strengthens the muscles but also helps the spread of calories faster. However, regarding how many calories you burn, it certainly depends on many things. Factors that affect burning calories during push-ups such as the duration of push-ups, your weight, the push-ups technique you use, whether the push-up movement is right or not, and much more.

Based on a study on a popular CrossFit exercise called "Cindy", it says that someone will burn calories by doing a series of pull-ups, push-ups, and squats in one round.

The average exercise burns 13 calories per minute. This means that when you do this movement for 20 minutes, you may be able to burn an average of 260 calories. However, the number of calories burned certainly depends on many factors.

Quoted from, someone who does heavy gymnastics such as push up with a weight of 70 kg is able to burn 49 calories when he push up for 5 minutes, can burn 98 calories when he push up for 10 minutes, 147 calories during gymnastics for 15 minutes, and can even burn 294 calories when he push up for 30 minutes. This calculation is of course a prediction.

Push up helps burn calories, but how many calories should it burn to turn a weight of 1 kg?

Push up meang can help lower calories. But to turn off 1 kg of weight, one must know the formula. In addition to maintaining a diet, avoiding high-calorie drinks, and calorie intake, you must also do push-ups according to the rules.

In adults, you need to burn calories of about 500 to 1,000 calories per day to reduce 0.5 to 1 kg of your weight each week. To achieve this calorie burning rate, you can combine push up with other sports. The combination of push up sports is as follows.

You can do a slow pulldown with a duration of 30 minutes at moderate speed. This sport is able to burn about 224 calories. In addition, the late pulldown is able to increase strength and lose weight.

Jum squat is quite effective in burning calories and supporting the weight loss program. With 30 jump squats in 10 sets with a gap of about 30 seconds, the calories that can burn reach 100 calories.

You can lose weight by swimming. This sport also helps reduce stress and can be done by those of you who are experiencing mobility difficulties due to obesity or joint problems.

The number of calories burned while swimming is quite high. When you swim for 30 minutes, the average number of burning calories reaches 200 calories.

That's the answer to the question of push up burning how many calories. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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