
YOGYAKARTA Exercise before bed to lose weight can be an alternative to maintaining health. However, you can add some simple habits that are easy to do.

The VOI team summarizes some light exercise that you can do before bed so that your weight can be reduced.

Although simple and trivial, muscle stretching can help the body relax and relax. It can even help the body burn fat. Do minimal muscle stretching 30 minutes before bed. Not only healthy, this activity also helps sleep better.

This sport is relatively simple and can be done even in bed. Although the movement is simple, the plant is effective for burning fat in several areas of the body such as the stomach and arms. Do a plank for 10 to 15 minutes with different variations.

You can do Kegel gymnastics in the bedroom because you don't need a large area. You can do a movement in the form of lying on your feet folded and slightly exposed. Push your buttocks up and hold for 3 to 5 seconds.

For some people the sit-up movement is quite heavy. But it would be more fun if done in the sleeping area. Do this movement regularly before bed so that the stomach can be smaller.

To squat, you do need a little space. You can stand up and jump 10-15 times. You can squat in various styles, one of which is the sumo squat.

The push up movement can also be an alternative for exercise before going to bed. At the beginning of the push-up is indeed quite heavy, but the muscles are more trained after you do regular push-ups.

This movement is also simple, namely by lifting your legs vertically by closing against the wall until your body forms the letter L. Try to put your hands on your back to make the muscles more attractive. Do this movement at least 5 minutes.

In addition to exercise, you can do some simple habits to help lose weight. The habit is as follows.

Cold temperatures actually help the process of burning fat in the stomach. To do so, you can use air conditioning and adjust the temperature to touch 18 degrees Celsius. If it's still less cold, you can take off your clothes and use a thinner blanket so that the burning can run well.

The effect of this activity is the same as sleeping at a cold temperature. You can take a shower with cold water added to ice water. But it is advisable not to do so in extreme terms.

Not only maintaining family harmony, having sex before bed also helps burn fat. Making love can cause feelings of calm and reduce anxiety. The movement during sex also helps burn calories.

Regular meals are good, but you are advised to maintain a diet. At night, you can eat menus with a low-carb healthy. Try to consume fruits and vegetables and meet body fluid needs.

That's information related to exercise before bed to lose weight and a simple habit that supports burning fat. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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