
YOGYAKARTA In volleyball, each player plays an important role. In the match, the maximum number of volleyball players is six people on the field and four people are in reserve. It means that in one team there are 10 players. Despite having many players, the task of volleyball athletes in the field is quite diverse depending on their position.

Volleyball games are a sport that involves the team. Two teams will face each other. The essence of this game is to drop volleyball into the plot of the opponent's field. Therefore each player has their respective roles to carry out the volleyball mission. While the task of each volleyball player is as follows.

In the volleyball, the server is the position in charge of starting the game. The server player will start the match by serving, which is hitting the ball towards the plot of the opponent's field area. The ball must also go through the net net. Game or rally can be if the ball can be welcomed by the opposing team and then returned to the server team. If the serve ball cannot be anticipated by the opponent, it means the server team gets a one-point win.

A server is required to master at least two techniques, namely top service and bottom serve.

The top service is hitting the volleyball with a swing from top to bottom with the palm of the hand. The ball had to be tilted up on the head and then hit before falling lower than the reach of the hand.

While the bottom serve is the technique of hitting the ball in the position of the finger holding. The ball is both connected from above, but can only be hit when the ball is in the abdominal area with a swing from the ground up. The procedure for carrying out the bottom service is also to be controlled.

In volleyball, the spiker is the position in charge of hitting or smashing the ball at the opponent. Spiker is required to drop the ball to steal points. The smash itself is done with all its might so that the opponent fails to anticipate the blow.

The position of the spiker is in front, namely in front of the net or next to the tosser. Players in this position must have the ability to jump and good strikers. In addition, the spiker must be observant to see the gap in the opponent's line.

Spiker also serves as a line of defense, namely by blocking if the smasher from the opponent threatens.

Players who serve as tossers or set-ups have quite an important role, namely arranging attacks and providing feedback to the spiker to launch a smash. Tosser is also the command of the game because you have to know when it's time to pass by to steal points.

Tosser not only passes, but must have good smash and blocking techniques to mark the smash from the enemy.

This position automatically gets a lot of attention from the audience because it wears a different uniform from one of its teammates. In general, libero is a player in the 5th and 6th positions. The task of the libero is to withstand the attacks launched from the opponent during the rally. His position is at the back.

For example, libero will receive service bait from the opponent. Libero is also given the opportunity to return the ball to the opponent or directed to to tosser as the forerunner of a counterattack.

That's the task of volleyball players in one team. To get other interesting information regarding sports and the latest news, visit the VOI.ID website.

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