JAKARTA - Former world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson has been caught on video walking with the help of a cane outside a hotel in New York. This sparked concern among fans.
During his visit to the Bronx city, Tyson was caught on TMZ camera walking from his car to the hotel entrance.
When they asked a close source about the wand 'Iron' Mike was using, they confirmed that Tyson was only dealing with wear and tear at the age of 56.

"He's had a sciatic (nerve) attack," said a TMZ source.
"Nothing serious. Just a job hazard for an athlete like Mike," they added.
What worries Tyson's fans is that the photos come just days after his statement on the 'Hotboxin' podcast in which he claimed he had an "expiration date."
"We're all going to die someday, of course. So when I looked in the mirror I saw little freckles on my face and I said, 'Wow! That means my expiration date is near,' said the heavyweight boxer. it's reassuring.
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