
JAKARTA - As a Muslim-majority country with Islam as the official religion, Qatar stipulates that homosexuality is an illegal activity. According to the country's official laws, homosexuals in Qatar are punishable by up to 3 years in prison and even death.

However, as quoted from Marca, Thursday, so far, no death penalty cases have been recorded for anyone in Qatar who has engaged in homosexual activity.

With the World Cup just around the corner, many rumors have sprung up regarding the LGBT community. This community has a lot of football fans and they will definitely want to attend the World Cup in Qatar.

However, they also want to make a statement regarding their presence in a country with strict laws against LGBT people.

With recent reports of premarital sex allegedly being banned in Qatar, there has been some fake news spreading about the country's use of the LGBT flag during the World Cup.

According to some reports citing unrealistic citations, the country allegedly threatened to give 11 years in prison to people who waved the LGBTQ flag in public.

However, there is actually no official source informing the public about this action. That is, we can dismiss it as fake news. FIFA has confirmed that any colored flag will be allowed inside the country's stadiums.

Qatar is one of the most difficult places to live or visit for members of the LGBT community, which is why suggesting that they don't fly the rainbow flag of the LGBT symbol is the best idea.

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