
JAKARTA – The Red Bull Racing team sanctioned their young driver, the Vips Jury. The sanctions followed racist words made by the Formula 2 driver.

Vips said that racist remark when it was broadcast live on the game platform Twitch on Tuesday, June 21 yesterday. In the middle of the session playing Call of Duty he cursed and said the word negro.

Currently Red Bull is studying what the Vips said. The team also suspended the Hitech Grand Prix driver from all activities related to his status as a member of the junior team.

"Red Bull Racing has suspended the Vips Jury junior drivers for all team duties with immediate effect, pending a full investigation into the incident," Red Bull wrote on their official Instagram.

"As an organization, we condemn abuse of any kind and have a zero-tolerance policy against racist language or behavior within our organization."

The Estonian racer has apologized for his carelessness via his personal Instagram account. He said he was fully willing to cooperate in the investigation process carried out by the team.

"I sincerely want to apologize for the offensive language used during today's live game stream. This language is completely unacceptable and does not reflect the values and principles that I stand for," he said.

"I deeply regret my actions and this is not the example I want to set. I will cooperate fully with the investigation."

Vips joined Red Bull in 2018. He even drove their F1 car last month during FP1 at the Spanish Grand Prix while taking advantage of free practice for the rookie.

At that time he was driving a car belonging to Sergio Perez RB18. Next weekend he will compete in British Formula 2, but could be canceled if Hitech also impose sanctions for him.

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