
JAKARTA - Responding to India's first victory in the Thomas Cup, the Central Board of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PP PBSI) expressed a plan to prepare for the development of athlete seeds to coat national players in the future.

According to PP PBSI General Chair Agung Firman Sampurna, India's success in the most prestigious team championships is predicted to attract domestic attention and attract the younger generation to become badminton players.

"Their victory can boost the popularity of badminton in India, which has more than one billion citizens, as a result, young athletes emerge to become challengers for other countries. This is what we have to deal with and don't miss out on producing quality future athletes," Agung said at the conference. press in Jakarta, Monday, quoted from Antara.

Through the implementation of national and international tournaments in 2022, such as the international challenge, national circuit, and the presidential Cup for the first time, it is hoped that new athletes will become part of the Red and White squad.

In addition to improving internally, PBSI has also designed a program to disseminate information and show badminton to the national community.

This step is not only used as a medium for displaying sports achievements, but is also expected to attract the interest of the younger generation to participate as national tepok bulu athletes.

Agung gave an example, the teenage athlete Bilqis Prasista could be an example that the badminton sport is still in demand by the younger generation.

"He is an example of Generation Z who started to love badminton and took part in becoming a national athlete at the National Training Center. Even in his appearance in the Uber Cup, he was able to beat the world number one," said Agung as an example.

Previously, PBSI, through the Development and Achievement Division, Rionny Mainaky, assessed that the national team had struggled optimally in the Thomas Cup. Even though he couldn't defend his title, the main athlete's performance was the best.

"I saw that my friends at the Thomas Cup were at their maximum, but unfortunately in the final there were obstacles such as Jonathan (Christie) for example, his left foot was not good, as well as Ginting maybe there was something but he forced to keep fighting," said Rionny.

Rionny also admitted that his poor physical condition played a role in Indonesia's failure to defend the title.

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