
JAKARTA - Cats understand the names and faces of the fur friends they live with, a study by a group of researchers from Kyoto University has found. Quoted by ANTARA from Mainichi on Thursday, May 26, the study published in the journal Scientific Reports is said to be able to help prove cat linguistic cognition.

The research team focused on similar human and animal behavior, staring at objects or events longer in surprise when the unexpected happened, then studied 48 cats who lived in groups of three or more in homes and in cat cafes (19 individuals). in a regular house and 29 in a cat cafe).

Researchers made the cats listen to their housemates' names being called and after that they were shown photos of the owner's name and the other cats on the monitor. As a result, cats who stay indoors tend to stare at the monitor longer when the name being called and the photo on the screen don't match.

On the other hand, cats in cat cafes did not react significantly differently. Researchers believe cats in cat cafes don't often get a chance to hear their names called because there are so many kept in such cafes, and this factor influenced their reactions in the experiment.

"People believe cats don't care about things that don't benefit them, but we learned that they pay attention to communication between humans and their friends in their homes," said Saho Takagi, one of the researchers.

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