
JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Team for the Bang Bang Bang Bang or MLBB Indonesia Esports branch failed to win a gold medal at the 2021 Vietnam SEA Games. Indonesia only won a silver medal after being defeated by the Philippines in the Grand Final of Mobile Legends Bang Bang with a score of 1-3, Friday (20/5). The final match of the MLBB SEA Games 2022 uses the best of five (Bo5) rules. In the first game, Indonesia lost 1-0, then in the second game Indonesia equalized with a score of 1-1. However, in the third game, Indonesia lost again with a score of 2-1. In the fourth game, the Philippines won again by winning 3-1. The Philippines' victory became a determinant that the Philippines national team won the 1st place in the MLBB esports SEA Games 2022. This result was repeated at the 2019 SEA Games, where the Indonesian national team had to recognize the superiority of the host team, the Philippines, with a score of 2-3. Mobile Legends is an esport game that will be competed at the 2021 SEA Games Vietnam. Watch the video below.

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