
JAKARTA - The preparation of Indonesian athletes for the 2021 SEA Games in Hanoi is not as usual. The National Training Center (Pelatnas) will be held to coincide with Ramadan 2022.

Indonesian athletes, who are predominantly Muslim, practice while fasting. The Chef de Mission (CdM) team supports athletes who continue to fast in preparation for the Hanoi SEA Games.

"Currently it is the month of Ramadan and some athletes are still fasting. That is what we need to support so that they can reach peak conditions and achievements in Hanoi in May," said cluster manager and Olympian Richard Sambera as reported by Antara.

The CdM team has reviewed preparations for the sport that will host a national training center (pelatnas) for the Hanoi SEA Games. In about a month, the athlete's preparation entered the final stage.

"Based on the results of our review of several sports, we are quite satisfied. Because with a fairly short time, sports can make good use of time for preparation," said Zainal Asikin Mochtar as Deputy II of CdM.

Meanwhile, Deputy I CdM Teuku Arlan Perkasa Lukman also revealed that currently each sport is centralizing training.

"With about a month, preparations enter the final stage. Athletes from each sport practice centralized in one place. We also receive a lot of input from visits to a number of sports," said Arlan Lukman.

At the Hanoi SEA Games, the Indonesian contingent had 738 personnel consisting of 476 athletes, 207 officials, and 55 headquarters.

The 31st edition of the SEA Games will feature 40 sports with 526 numbers. This is the second time Vietnam has hosted the biennial Southeast Asian Games after 2003.

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