
JAKARTA - Aprilia Racing racer, Aleix Espargaro sent a sweet farewell message before leaving Lombok after the second MotoGP 2022 series at the Mandalika Circuit.

Before taking the long flight to Andorra, Espargaro shared the moment he enjoyed his last night in Mandalika. Instead of enjoying parties or festivities, Espargaro chose to do simple things.

Through his Instagram account, Espargaro shared a moment when he spent the night at an inn in Mandalika enjoying pizza by the pool. Although impressed simple, the racer seemed to enjoy it. Espargaro even called his last night in Mandalika like in Heaven.

“Last night in heaven, (eat) pizza by the pool, and off to the airport. Ready for the 30 hour trip to Andorra," Aleix Espargaro wrote in the caption.

Espargaro also did not forget to write a thank you note and pin a message of love for Indonesia.

"Thank you, I love you Indonesia," wrote Espargaro adding.

Espargaro's presence in Indonesia, especially Mandalika, was fairly short. The MotoGP race schedule which was held on March 18-20 made Espargaro only have less than a week to stay.

However, the 32-year-old racer looks comfortable and quickly blends in with the environment and situation at Mandalika. Espargaro is one of the riders who often interacts with local residents and their supporters on social media.

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