JAKARTA - Tokyo Verdy has confirmed the arrival of their new player from Indonesia, Pratama Arhan. The arrival of the 20-year-old defender in Japan immediately received a warm welcome from the club.
This is as seen from Tokyo Verdy's upload on his Instagram account. Arhan is known to have landed in Japan on Thursday, March 17 afternoon local time.
Through his Instagram Stories, the J2 League club showed the moment Arhan arrived at the airport with many suitcases. In the post, the club gave a welcome greeting.
Even though he had arrived in Japan, the former PSIS Semarang player could not immediately join the team's training. The reason is that Primary Arhan must undergo quarantine.
"Arhan has arrived in Japan. Welcome to Verdy. As a precaution against Covid-19 infection, (Arhan) is not allowed to join training and enter club facilities," wrote Tokyo Verdy.

Not only giving a welcome to the arrival of the new player, the Japanese League Club also uploaded a moment of Arhan greeting the fans of Tokyo Verdy in Japanese.
"Minnasan konichiwa," said the player from Blora, which means hello everyone.
Arhan's primary arrival to Japan became the answer after the player waited a long time after signing a contract in January. In Japan, Arhan got a contract to defend Tokyo Verdy with a duration of two years.
PSIS Semarang is willing to release the young player for free. This was done by Laskar Mahesa Jenar solely for the sake of Arhan's development and experience.
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