
JAKARTA - PSSI General Chair (Ketum) Mochamad Iriawan positively welcomed the inauguration of the PSSI Medical Center on Monday, March 14. Located on the 5th floor of the GBK Arena, Senayan is the first facility owned by PSSI after almost 90 years of existence.

Not only being the first facility, Iriawan also claims that the PSSI Medical Center has the best quality supporting tools and technology in Southeast Asia.

"This (Medical Center) is the first for the sport of football (PSSI) which has been established for decades and only now has it. This (tools and technology) is the best in Southeast Asia based on the results of our team's report," claimed the PSSI Ketum during the inauguration of the PSSI Medical Center, Monday.

Furthermore, Iriawan emphasized that the existence of this Medical Center facility could not be separated from the support and assistance from various parties behind PSSI. For that, Iriawan did not forget to express his gratitude for the support of many parties in an effort to advance PSSI.

“Thank you, Mr. Menpora, Mr. President, for procuring this sophisticated tool. This (Medical Center) is an assistance from the Government and the President as a form of support in progress for PSSI," said Iriawan.

The chairman of PSSI also said that the existence of this Medical Center would be very useful in helping PSSI to be able to develop the potential of Indonesian footballers.

However, even though it is intended for PSSI, Iriawan does not rule out the fact that athletes and other sports can also take advantage of this facility.

"Of course it is very useful for our athletes, but we also open opportunities for other athletes who really need and want to take advantage of this facility," he said.

In the PSSI Medical Center room, there are sophisticated and modern facilities that are directly connected to a wireless network that functions to assist recovery or monitoring the condition of athletes.

Not only that, the Medical Center, said Iriawan, can also be used as a means of physiotherapy for athletes in an effort to recover from injuries.

For the procurement of equipment, the government does not play games because almost all 33 units of equipment are imported directly from Australia and Germany with the most advanced quality.

Regarding accuracy, Iriawan explained that this has been proven through the results of examinations of the U-16 and U-19 Indonesian national teams who are currently holding a training camp in South Korea.

"Yesterday (the Medical Center) was used by the U-16 and U-19 national teams before leaving, they came here and indeed the results were immediately accurate," concluded Iriawan.

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