
JAKARTA - The chairman of Commission X of the DPR RI, Syaiful Huda, said that supporters were one of the things that received full attention in the ratification of the National Sports System Law (UU SKN) by the DPR on Tuesday, February 15.

After being ratified, Syaiful Huda said that the SKN Law does not only regulate the sports industry but also about supporters. Where this law will also open up opportunities for supporters to own shares in their favorite club.

Huda explained, supporters must get priority to buy shares if the club decides to go public by conducting an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

"Therefore, we imagine that if the club wants to conduct an IPO, then the club must give priority to the supporters," he said in the 'Drink Down Discussion' session held by PSSI Pers, on Tuesday, March 8.

In addition to the IPO scheme, Syaiful Huda also said the existence of the SKN Law also opened up opportunities for supporters and clubs to open initiatives regarding share ownership.

"By a joint initiative, the club and the supporters can build a commitment in the context of the involvement of supporters within the club," he continued.

In addition to opening up opportunities for supporters to have shares in the club, the ratification of the SKN Law has also become a reinforcement for groups of supporters who are already well-established managerially and organizationally.

"For supporters who are already well-established organizationally, I think this new law will be a reinforcement," said Huda.

Furthermore, Huda hopes that the SKN Law is able to help groups of supporters who do not yet have an established organizational form and can be a positive bridge between the supporters and the club.

"Meanwhile for fans who have not been able to be managed properly, due to a long history with their respective clubs, this law is an effort to build relationships with clubs," he said.

So far, Persija Jakarta and their supporters, The Jakmania, have become an example of a club whose supporters have had managerial and organizational stability.

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