
JAKARTA - Juventus narrowly won 1-0 over Fiorentina in the first leg of the Coppa Italia (Italian Cup) semifinal at Stadio Artemio Franchid on Thursday, March 3, early morning WIB. Juventus' goal occurred thanks to Lorenzo Venuti's suicide near the end of the match. Playing as the host, Fiorentina immediately dominated Juventus. They attacked the Bianconeri defense and didn't keep the opponent in possession. The first chances came when the game had only been running for six minutes. Gaetano Castrovilli gives the ball to Riccardo Saponara who is on the edge of the penalty box. Saponara fired a shot but Mattia Perin kept it out. Fiorentina came close to taking the lead in the 26th minute. Jonathan Ikone fired with his right foot, but the ball went wide at the side of the net. Fiorentina continued to dominate did not let Juventus develop their game. Unfortunately no goals have been created so far and the score 0-0 lasted until the first half was over. After the break, the hosts still dominated the match. In the 48th minute, the Juventus defense was caught off guard and gave an opening for Ikone. Unfortunately his shot just hit the crossbar.

Juventus began to be able to compensate for the La Viola game. The Bianconeri created chances in the 56th minute. Vlahovic received the ball and kicked it over Pietro Terracciano, but the goal was missed as the Italian goalkeeper was still able to reach the ball. Juventus brought on Juan Cuadrado and Alvaro Morata in the second half to provide variety. In the 78th minute, Juventus counterattacked. Vlahovic passed Cuadrado's ball into the penalty area but his powerful shot just hit the side of the net. Juventus scored dramatically in injury time. Starting from a quick counter-attack, Juan Cuadrado released a cross that hit Lorenzo Venuti and turned into his own goal. The score became 1-0. Fiorentina did not have time to equalize. The referee ended the match and Juventus had one goal in hand for the second leg. Line-up: Fiorentina (4-3-3): Pietro Terracciano; Alvaro Odriozola (Lorenzo Venuti 46'), Nikola Milenkovic, Igor Julio, Cristiano Biraghi; Gaetano Castrovilli (Alfred Duncan 84'), Lucas Torreira, Giacomo Bonaventura; Jonathan Ikone (Nicolas Gonzalez 84'), Krzysztof Piatek (Arthur Cabral 65'), Riccardo Saponara (Riccardo Sottil 65').Juventus (4-3-3): Mattia Perrin; Mattia De Sciglio, Danilo, Matthijs de Ligt, Luca Pellegrini; Arthur, Manuel Locatelli, Adrien Rabiot; Moise Kean (Alvaro Morata 59'), Dusan Vlahovic, Marley Ake (Juan Cuadrado 46').

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