
JAKARTA – The Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization (LADI) has officially changed its name to the Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO). The name change was in line with the lifting of sanctions from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for Indonesia.

The new name was introduced after the chairman of the WADA Sanctions Acceleration Task Force Raja Sapta Oktohari announced that Indonesia was sanctioned at the Ministry of Youth and Sports Office in Jakarta on Friday, February 4.

Head of IADO Musthofa Fauzi said that the sanctions from the World Anti-Doping Agency were an important lesson for his party. Starting from that thought, IADO also carried out organizational transformation.

"This opens our eyes about the existence of anti-doping, which maybe if there had not been this incident the IADO transformation would not have been like this, both from the legal aspect, legal status, and recognition in the world of national sports," he said, according to ANTARA.

WADA's sanctions made IADO make many organizational governance improvements. The effort to change the paradigm towards the management of the national anti-doping agency is getting better.

Musthofa stressed the importance of supporting government and sports stakeholders to create a clean, professional, modern, independent anti-doping body that complies with the WADA code.

"Mr. President has given us support to make fundamental changes and transformations. We work hand in hand with all parties to make improvements," he said.

WADA officially lifted the sanctions imposed on the Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) on Friday, February 4. This revocation is faster than the one-year duration that was imposed since October 7 last year.

Thus, Indonesia can again fly the flag at important sporting events. In addition, Indonesia can also host regional and international sporting events.

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