
JAKARTA – Spanish football clubs, Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Atletico Madrid are threatened with canceling their matches at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). This condition is caused by the number of spread of COVID-19, especially the Omicron variant, skyrocketing again in the world.

The three Spanish clubs were originally going to compete in the International Youth Championship (IYC) tournament, on 5 February.

"Covid cases are increasing in Spain and Indonesia, one team has stated that it is postponing taking into account the latest COVID conditions. Atlético Madrid is certain to delay," said Chairman of Pancoran Soccer Field, I Gede Widiade when confirmed, Tuesday, February 1.

Not only Atletico, the other two teams have also submitted a postponement of attendance. However, the submission is not done in writing. "Already, a written message will follow soon. Hopefully the pandemic will subside soon," said Widiade.

So far, it is unclear how long the IYC tournament will be postponed. It only said that the COVID-19 pandemic could subside so that the tournament could be held soon. "It must be postponed considering the state of COVID in Spain and Indonesia," said Widiade.

The case of COVID itself also hit several players in Indonesian football clubs. It is also the increasingly worrying condition of national sports in recent weeks.

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