
JAKARTA The issue of mental health disorders has returned to the public's attention after Yudo Andreawan's arrest, a 25-year-old man from Bontang who often causes trouble in public places. Even after being arrested, Yudo still dared to act, went berserk and threw cigarettes at police officers.

Mental health problems have actually been a serious discussion of health observers for a long time. Because if it is ignored it will have a significant impact on the psychological and physical condition of the patient. In the end, this will also provide social and economic burdens to the country in the future.

Basic Health Research 2018 said, 9.8 percent or more than 20 million people aged more than 15 years experienced emotional mental disorders, 6.1 percent or about 12 million people were depressed, and about 450,000 people withkolah or psychosis were severe mental disorders.

Meanwhile, the results of the swab examination conducted by the Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialist Association (PDSKJI) in April-October 2020 or before the peak of the pandemic 1 and 2 in Indonesia showed that 67.4 percent of respondents experienced anxiety disorders, 67.3 percent were depressed, and 74.2 percent were experiencing psychological trauma.

That number is expected to increase post-pandemic as lifestyle changes and the burden of life gets heavier.

This was confirmed by the results of Populix's survey on September 16-17, 2022, which stated that one of the two Indonesians felt that they had mental health problems. The majority were triggered by financial or financial problems and loneliness.

Half of respondents know they may have mental health problems, especially among 18-24 years and they have been aware of them over the past six months, as quoted from Populix's survey results.

Also from the report of the Indonesia National Adolescent Mental Health Survey (I-NAMHS) which said that one in three Indonesian teenagers had mental health problems.

Teenagers in this group are teenagers who are diagnosed with mental disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) guide which is a guide for the enforcement of mental disorders diagnosis in Indonesia.

DSM-5 is a renewal of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a taxonomic and diagnostic tool published by the American Psychiatric Association.

"Remaja with mental disorders has experienced disorders or difficulties in doing their daily activities caused by symptoms of mental disorders that he has," explained Prof. dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU, M.Sc., Sc.D., Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM who is the main investigator of I-NAMHS as reported by the website of Gadjah Mada University.

There are a number of types of mental health disorders in DSM-5, including analytical personality disorder, narcotics personality disorder, border personality disorder, and social personality disorder. Here's the explanation:

Popular with the term psychopath. Simply put, people with this disorder have attitudes that don't care about the existing social environment. They reject the rules, social norms, and the rights of others.

The causes vary can be due to genetic factors, interactions in the environment, parenting, or abnormalities in brain function in certain parts.

People who experience mental health problems will think of themselves as more important than others. They are very happy with praise and are too confident. However, on the other hand, they cannot show empathy for others.

Launching from Hello Sehat, narcoticsist doesn't like to be asked to change his attitude and behavior, even though he knows that what he is doing has caused problems. Instead of self-reflection, narcoticsists prefer to blame others for their mistakes.

Characteristics and symptoms of narcotics are very diverse depending on the severity. Can appear from childhood or youth. However, it does not mean that this personality trait will continue to be a personality disorder.

It is a mental health disorder that affects the way of thinking. It's as if other people always think of it as bad for it. This thought often makes the sufferer anxious, afraid, depressed, or even angry uncontrolled for no apparent reason. The emotions of the disordered persons tend to be uncontrollable.

However, it is different from bipolar. People with border personality disorder, mood swing will always occur. While in bipolar disorder, there are times when the sufferer does not feel symptoms of depression. They will look calm like people in general.

The exact cause of the disturbance is not yet known. However, from a number of literature, the traumatic experience is strongly suspected to result in a person at high risk of contracting a border personality disorder.

It is a mental disorder that makes the sufferer have an excessive desire to be the center of attention. Tend to have unstable emotions and manipulative behavior.

People with Harry personality disorder are also more easily bored and frustrated with their routines. In fact, as reported by Allodoc, some people with this disorder often threaten to commit suicide just to get the attention of others.

Cirihistrionic personality is seen more clearly as a teenager or young adult. However, most of the sufferers do not realize that they are experiencing it.

It is not known for sure what causes the horizontal personality disorder. However, some literations show this disorder tends to be derived from families or genetic factors.

Parental parenting that is too pampering for their children when they are children can also be a supporting factor. Childhood trauma, verbal violence is also another supporting factor.

At least, Yudo Andreawan's case can make people more aware that not only physically, mental health is also very important in supporting a person's life.

"People with good mental health," said Walda Isna Nisa in the book 'Community-Based Mental Health Handling' will be able to carry out various productive activities in her life.

Being able to engage in effective and efficient interpersonal relationships with others, being able to adapt to the changes in life experienced, and being able to get around the failures of life experienced to bounce back.

For this reason, it is hoped that the community can participate and be able to care for family members who suffer from disorders and are able to prevent new mental disorders.

"Penganganan tepat yang dilakukan oleh keluarga maupun masyarakat dapat membantu mengoptimalkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki penderita gangguan mental agar mereka tetap produktif," imbuhnya.

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