
JAKARTA - Ferdy Sambo has a higher level of intelligence on average with excellent abstraction, imagination, and creativity abilities. He is a figure who is diligent in working and has high motivation to pursue achievement. The desire to be able to exceed the target given to him in his work is huge.

However, basically, Ferdy Sambo is a less confident figure. Always need the support of others in acting and making decisions, especially for big things.

Forensic Psychologist from the Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association, Reni Kusumowardhani, explained that the results of his examination were in the capacity as an expert witness during the follow-up trial of the murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat at the South Jakarta District Court on December 21, 2022.

According to Reni, there is a small experience that makes Ferdy Sambo feel comfortable if there are people protecting his surroundings.

"In normal conditions, Ferdy Sambo will be seen as a good figure in his social life and complies with norm rules, can cover up his shortcomings and problems," said Reni.

He can take advantage of intelligence to protect and control himself. However, under certain conditions, Ferdy Sambo could turn into an emotional person.

He will react strongly to things that undermine his dignity and pride. In accordance with his determination to adhere to the principle of culture in na pace, namely the philosophy of life of the people of South Sulawesi which means maintaining self-esteem and being strong in establishment.

"So, when his pride is disturbed, his honor is disturbed, he can then become a person who is controlled by uncontrolled emotions, unable to think long about the actions taken," continued Reni.

Meanwhile, his wife, Putri Candrawathi, is somewhat different. Putri's intelligence is classified as still at the average level of people his age. However, her ability to capture, process, and store information and re-express what she remembers is very good.

He can develop logical and rational thinking. Understanding social stimulus from the environment to be able to respond appropriately and according to his beliefs.

"Putri has an understanding of good social values, but under certain conditions her behavioral planning in the social environment is relatively lacking. In a sense, she does not respond to the environment, including when facing one problem in her life," said Reni.

That's why, he has a high need for a figure who is able to provide him with a sense of security.

There is some kind of emotional dependence on people who can become objects of dependence. In this case, like his parents, to his husband, to the aides he believes can also be if the aide gives him a sense of security. He will believe in that person, "Reni revealed.

"Likewise, related to sensitive matters that can lead to shame, fear, authority being threatened, it will be selective, but looking for a sense of security becomes a pattern that does exist in his personality," added Reni.

Based on the results of the psychological examination, Reni considers that what Putri said was related to sexual harassment to be trusted. However, of course, further legal investigation is needed.

"Decisions regarding this must have occurred or must have happened, of course not in our capacity, but in the direction of that," said Reni when answering the question of the defendant's legal team, Putri Candrawati.

Psychological examination of Ferdy Sambo and Putri, according to Reni, uses many methods. This is done to control the deficiency and subjectivity so that the resulting data is relevant, consistent, compatible, and credible.

The examination was carried out in the period from July 28 to August 24, 2022, when Ferdy Sambo was still a suspect. Meanwhile, Putri is still a witness.

In this case, we examined a total of 30 people, in this case as witnesses, then also as suspected victims.

The examination was carried out by 12 people. The focus is on the psychological profile of each party. The method of examination uses multi methods, first using battery tests to measure personality, for intelligence, and also the emotional condition of psychosocial, "explained Reni.

Since the enactment of the Criminal Procedure Code, such as being adapted from the book 'All Three Criminal Procedure Laws', formal evidence in the form of recognition or testimony is no longer the main material for investigating a criminal act.

This is because these two kinds of evidence can still be denied by the defendant in the trial, so investigators are required to prioritize material evidence through scientific investigations by using forensic science in all stages of investigation.

Forensic science is science that uses multidisciplinary science by applying natural science such as chemistry, physics, biology, psychology, medicine, and criminology with the aim of making light of a criminal case.

The product of the results of this forensic expert examination is objective and scientific material evidence and is one of the evidences that the defendant finds difficult to deny in court hearings.

The book "The Third Education of Criminal Procedure Law" was written by Andi Muhammad Sofyan, Abd Asis, and Amir Ilyas.

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