
Richard totaled Pudihang Lumiu never expected to get involved in big problems at the start of his career as a member of the National Police. He is one of the six main men in the 2019 class with the best test scores. This achievement brought him into the Brimob Corps.

If only one year after his education, this 1998-born man was appointed as an adjutant to the Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, to be precise in November 2021. Everything was still running as usual until the murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat occurred on July 8, 2022.

Richard, according to his testimony in the trial, got a tough task of shooting Yosua who was deemed to have abused the wife of his superior, Putri Candrawathi. Although in fact he did not know clearly whether the alleged act was true or not.

When he was in Magelang Square, after the Taruna Nusantara school, Richard got a call from Putri. Meanwhile, Putri asked him to quickly return to the Magelang House.

"Where are you, Dik, where are you, where are you now Dik, come back now, please Mrs. Dik. He immediately turned off the phone," said Richard when he was a witness for the defendants Ricky Rizal and Strong Maruf at the District Court, South Jakarta on November 30.

Richard and Ricky immediately rushed back to Magelang's house. After seeing the condition of Putri lying in the room, her feelings began to be relieved. However, his heart still wondered what had happened.

Richard then asked everyone in the Magelang House, from Strong, Yosua, to Susi. There is still no answer.

"I'm strong to say I don't need to know first. Here's why, why don't you tell me about it. I also asked the deceased (Yosua) saying, I don't know, Strongness gets angry. Susi (ART Ferdy Sambo) is also silent, she doesn't answer," said Richard.

So, Richard admitted that he was shocked when he received orders to shoot Yosua upon his return to Jakarta on July 8, 2022.

Indeed, rude to the child. Disrespecting me, he has insulted my dignity, he spoke with emotion, crying, his face was red. He had to be given the child's death," said Richard imitating Ferdy Sambo's words.

"Later you will shoot Yosua, yes, because if you shoot, I will take care of you. If I shoot, no one will take care of us," Richard imitated again.

However, what is your power, Richard has no power to refuse orders. All he could do was pray that Ferdy Sambo would cancel his intention.

"I am afraid. This is a two-star general, serving as the Head of the Propam Division and my position is in the rank of Bharada until now, the lowest rank. From that rank, we can see it like heaven and earth," said Richard when he was a witness for the defendants Ricky Rizal and Strong Maruf at the District Court, South Jakarta on November 30.

On the other hand, Ferdy Sambo also continues to convince Richard that everything will remain safe.

"So Chad's scenario is in Duren Tiga, we call it 46, mother is harassed by Yosua, then mother screams, you hear, you respond, then caught. Yosua shoot you, you shoot back. Yosua is dead," said Richard imitating Ferdy Sambo's words.

"You've been calm, you're safe because you're defending your first mother, the second you defend yourself, because you were shot first," he continued while explaining Putri's whereabouts next to Ferdy Sambo when explaining the scenario.

Not long after, everyone went to Duren Tiga's House. The incident, said Richard, went fast. When Yosua, Strong, Ricky went inside, Ferdy Sambo, who was already inside the house, immediately grabbed Yosua's neck.

Sini, knelt down you, knelt down. After kneeling, he just saw me. Woi you shoot, you shoot fast, you shoot quickly," said Richard imitating Ferdy Sambo's orders.

I immediately shot. As far as I remember 3-4 times. I saw the victim's position, face to face. I don't know the direction of the shot that must have been directed at the victim. The victim fell beside the stairs, but there was still a yielding sound," said Richard in response to the judge's question.

Then, Ferdy Sambo came forward and grabbed his gun and shot Yosua, who was already lying on the ground. After that, he ran the scenario, squatted in front of the stairs and shot at the top of the stairs as if there was a shootout between Yosua and Richard.

Then walk towards the victim, attach the weapon he was holding to the deceased's hand. Then put it down, stand up and scream at us, you can't take care of me while walking out," said Richard.

Before long, Ferdy Sambo returned to pick up Putri, who was in the room when the incident happened.

After the shooting, Richard admitted that he was depressed and always haunted by mistakes. In fact, he often dreams badly.

Initially, he defended the information according to the scenario designed by Ferdy Sambo. However, in August 2022, he ventured to become a justice collaborator, as for criminals who work together in providing information and assistance to law enforcers.

When he was a witness at the trial of the defendant Richard totaling on December 5, 2022, Ricky still insisted that it was not an order that he heard, but an order jongkok.

When Yosua went inside, Ferdy Sambo immediately ordered him to squat. Yosua, according to Ricky, continued to ask, "What sir, what is wrong sir?"

Suddenly at the same time Richard immediately took out a gun and shot Yosua. Ricky was shocked and surprised why Richard suddenly shot Yosua.

"That (order) squatted, I heard," Ricky said in response to the judge's question.

However, if the order to shoot, Ricky admitted that he didn't hear it, "I'm inside." I didn't hear Mr (Ferdy Sambo) just like shooting woi, shooting woi.

The defendant Richard was very sure Ricky heard the order to shoot from Ferdy Sambo. Because the distance between them is not too far away.

"Maybe I heard, but I didn't want to talk, but it's up to Bang Ricky Her Majesty," said Temangi in response to Ricky's testimony at the South Jakarta District Court.

The judge continued to question Ricky. According to the judge, there were irregularities in his testimony. Moreover, before the incident, Ricky admitted that he had received orders from Ferdy Sambo to shoot Joshua who was later rejected. This means, said the judge, that there is an intention to execute Yosua.

Ricky parried the statement. He considered the order to shoot Yosua at him only when Yosua fought back when he was called in.

"At that time, I asked to call Yosua. Then, if he fights you dare not to shoot him," said Ricky imitating Ferdy Sambo's question.

However, the judge asked back, "What happened, Sambo once called Yosua and kept talking? No."

"It's up to you, you're there, on the CCTV. You three were seen outside before Sambo arrived. The three of you were strong and the victim was outside until then you took Yosua inside, there was CCTV that appeared on Duren Tiga. What does that mean, you have been prepared together Strongly to face the victim in front of Sambo to carry out the execution, right," said the judge.

The judge asked Ricky to tell the truth and give a logical answer. That way, maybe Ricky will get leniency.

"Try to remember your wife's child. They were there praying that you could get relief, but this way you try to obscure all those events," said the judge.

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