
Waroeng Special Sambal (Waroeng SS), on October 21, issued a circular regarding a salary cut of IDR 300,000 for the November-December 2022 period. The cuts only apply to employees who have received Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) from the government.

For the sake of justice and equitable distribution of welfare facilities. Employees who object to the salary deduction policy are welcome to submit a letter of resignation. The circular was signed by the Director of Waroeng SS, Yoyok Hery Wahyono.

One week later, the circular circulated on social media and became a hot topic of conversation among netizens. In the report, there were 1,613 tweets discussing the topic through the keyword "subsequent &&waroeng ss," cutting the salary.&&waroeng ss, and special stalls of sambal.

"The discussion of this issue has attracted the attention of Twitter netizens, which can be seen from the considerable impression of 92.3 thousand which has the potential to reach up to 54 million accounts," wroteNetray in his report on November 3, 2022.

Netray said the conversation was dominated by negative sentiment. A total of 1,147 negative tweets colored the conversation while positive sentiment was only 197 tweets. The conversation peaked on October 30 and 31, 2022 when many netizens criticized the company and the WSS Director.

The @prabu_yudianto account argues that the actions taken by Waroeng SS are the confiscation of employee rights under the guise of equitable distribution. Cuting employee salaries due to government assistance is unreasonable, especially with the excuse of avoiding social jealousy.

Likewise @babybornlilith and @Will_Syams. Both of them are of the opinion that what the owner of Waroeng SS is doing is cunning because he does not want to increase employee salaries but actually cuts salaries that are workers' rights with one-sided reasons.

The @BuruhYogyakarta account, which is usually vocal in conveying labor problems, also commented. He questioned how the policy simply emerged from management without confirming the BSU provider, aka the Ministry of Manpower first," wrote Netray.

Even then, netizens emerged who revealed the cheating behavior of Waroeng SS management that had been going on for a long time. The @dyahprilita account while complaining to the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabumi @gibran_tweet revealed, Her husband who works at WSS Solo also gets a salary cut because he has received BSU. In addition, in 2020 and 2021, when the pandemic was still raging, her husband did not get any THR at all.

Behind the many blasphemy, there are also Twitter netizens who side with the Director of Waroeng SS. It can be seen from the tweet of the @MawanViyant account that defended Waroeng SS because during the pandemic no workers were laid off. He considered that if someone still has a job, they shouldn't receive help.

The same thing was stated by the @jongkokdikebon account which asked Indonesian citizens to be wiser in reading the problem, especially since the director had tried and gave reasons.

Director of Waroeng SS, Yoyok admitted that he was ready to account for his decisions, both in front of God and state law. According to Yoyok, the decision to cut salaries is made only to maintain harmony between employers.

"Some of them can, some don't, even if they don't get along, it will be a polemic, September 2021 has happened like this. The explanation is very long, even if I have to get to the court, I will explain there," added Yoyok.

The Ministry of Manpower has deployed a Manpower Supervisory Team with the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Manpower and Transmigration Office to follow up on the report. The Director of Waroeng SS was also present to fulfill the summons on November 3, 2022.

"The examination carried out on this case is important to ensure that the company complies with the provisions of the labor law. The examination of the Director of Waroeng SS is a series of tasks to ensure the resolution of problems," said the Director General of Manpower Supervision and K3 of the Ministry of Manpower, Haiyani Rumondang as written on the official website of the Ministry of Manpower.

Until finally, we found a common ground. The Director of Waroeng SS agreed to cancel the plan to reduce wages for BSU recipient workers and is committed to no longer cutting salaries for BSU recipient workers from the government.

"I appeal to companies to always communicate with Disnaker or Ministry of Manpower intensely to prevent and deal with potential employment problems. Prevention is more important than dealing with problems that arise. The hope is that what the company does must be in accordance with the provisions, so that there are no decisions that harm any party," he said.

Haiyani explained that BSU is government assistance that aims to maintain purchasing power for workers/laborers in meeting their daily needs due to price increases. The provisions and requirements of BSU have been regulated through Permenaker Number 10 of 2022.

"The BSU is also one of the government's appreciations to workers and employers who have become BPJS Employment participants," he said.

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