
JAKARTA - The removal of Rizieq Shihab's billboards in Jakarta, ordered by the Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command, Maj. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman, received a lot of appreciation from the public.

Among them are a number of artists such as Narji, Intan Rj and Chika Jesika. They came to provide support and at the same time thank the TNI for its actions in maintaining security and order.

"Friends (artists) who are actually from the general public provide support to the TNI to be more assertive, because there are still many who violate health protocols. This is disturbing the safety of the community," said Narji on Tuesday, November 24.

However, there were also those who criticized Dudung's actions for being directly involved in removal. This is because removing billboards is the duty of Satpol PP. However, Dudung doesn't want to bother.

Responding to this negative response, Dudung said that TNI and Polri were involved in removing billboards because each time they were removed, billboards with Rizieq's picture were raised again.

Not only that, the Satpol PP also encountered resistance when the Balio decline had a picture of Rizieq. For that, the TNI-Polri also intervened.

"The PP was intercepted by the FPI. Then they were told to install it again, who is he, who is this organization? How come the government is clearly a Pol PP? who are they? " said Dudung some time ago.

In a different place, Rizieq Shihab's billboards were also removed in the Makassar area, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). However, it is a different story with DKI. Satpol PP removed billboards not TNI troops.

Kasatpol PP Makassar City Head Iman Hud said the removal of Rizieq Shihab's billboards was carried out to ensure the city's security conditions. Satpol PP said that his party had participated in avoiding the competition between the City Government and FPI.

"This is what we guard in Makassar, Makassar is conducive. FPI also has no problems in Makassar, our relationship is good, even our friends FPI, Polri / TNI are guarded. We don't want anything to happen, this harmony is what we want to protect," he said. The Head of the Makassar PP Police Head, Iman Hud, was contacted by VOI.

The TNI has removed billboards, is that right?

Head of the Ombudsman Representative for Jakarta Raya, Teguh Nugroho, disagreed with the appreciation that the Pangdam Jaya received for his actions to lower billboards like this.

According to Teguh, removing unauthorized billboards is indeed important. However, it is more appropriate for the TNI to hand over the action of removing billboards to the authorities first.

"For billboards, advertisement media, and other outdoor media that are not in accordance with the regulations, first hand them over to Satpol PP. If they encounter difficulties, Polda Metro Jaya can provide security assistance in the prosecution process if needed," he said.

Regarding the removal of unauthorized billboards handled by the TNI apparatus, Teguh views that this condition reflects the poor coordination between each regional leadership coordination forum (forkopimda).

"The action of lowering billboards by the Jakarta Military Command and not the Satpol PP, then the crowd in Tebet and Petamburan, and the summons of the Jakarta Provincial Government by Polda Metro Jaya is clear evidence of poor communication and coordination for the Jakarta forkopimda in handling COVID-19," Teguh concluded.

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