
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, gave answers to the questions raised by members of Commission III of the DPR RI during the Hearing Meeting on Wednesday (24/8).

Questions related to the motive for the murder of Brigadier J on July 8, 2022 and the issue of the 303 Consortium, both the old chart with Inspector General Ferdy Sambo at the helm and the new chart with the Criminal Investigation Unit at the helm.

Also, the settlement of the personnel code of ethics case and the issue of finding Rp900 billion in cash at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's house.

The motive for the murder of Brigadier J

The National Police Chief said the motive was related to decency, the issue was between harassment or infidelity. However, this is still being investigated. There is still one more examination of the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, which is planned to be carried out on Thursday or Friday, August 25 or 26 2022.

According to the National Police Chief, Brother Ferdy Sambo was triggered by anger and emotion when he received a report from Sister Putri Candrawathi regarding the decency incident that occurred in Magelang.

"So there are no other issues beyond that (harassment or infidelity). We'll confirm tomorrow after the last check. This is temporary that I can convey,” he said, Wednesday (24/8).

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo while attending a code of ethics trial for the case he faces, Thursday, August 25, 2022. (Antara)
Consortium Issue 303

Regarding this, the National Police Chief answered briefly, “We are currently investigating. I ask the Propam to do an in-depth investigation.”

However, regarding gambling issues, the police have succeeded in uncovering 641 online gambling and 1,408 conventional gambling cases with a total of 3,296 suspects in the January-August 2022 period. In August alone, 286 online gambling cases and 453 conventional gambling cases with a total of 1,298 suspects.

However, because this has indeed become a national concern, the National Police Chief confirmed that he has ordered all regional leaders, police chiefs, police chiefs, directors, and headquarters officials to take firm action against gambling cases.

"I ask that there is no longer such a thing as gambling, whether it is online gambling, whether it is land gambling that is still active. If later I still find it, I will definitely remove the official. This is my commitment. In my day, gambling didn't exist," he said.

The police are also cooperating with PPATK to carry out tracing.

"If the culprit is running away, we have issued red notices for several people. We will issue a ban and we will apply money laundering offences. So, as part of our commitment to gambling, we have zero tolerance," added the National Police Chief.

ML in question is Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

Code of Ethics Case Settlement

The National Police Chief claims to have sent the first 4 taha files to the prosecutor's office. The hope is that they don't go back and forth and go straight to p21 so that they can be put on trial soon.

P21 is the code of the form script for notification that the results of the investigation are complete.

"As for Ferdy Sambo's status as a member of the National Police or not, it will be determined through the code of ethics trial on Thursday (25/8)," said General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Then, of the 97 personnel who were examined, not all of them were suspected of violating the code of ethics. There are also witnesses.

“Only 35 people were sorted out, according to the weight of their respective roles. Are they under pressure, do they not know that what they are doing is part of the scenario, or are they even part of the scenario. This is a code of ethics trial that will determine the imposition of sanctions," he explained.

"The conclusion is that currently, 4 files have been submitted, the mother and daughter will be examined on Thursday or Friday as suspects. Then, we have determined 6 people in the category of obstruction of justice, we immediately file a file, we have examined 35 people and are suspected of violating the code of ethics. From the existing process the possibility can still be increased. We are in a position that will really process everything," the National Police Chief added.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as he enters the code of ethics courtroom at Police Headquarters on Thursday, August 25, 2022. (Doc. Public Relations of Police Headquarters)
The Issue of Finding IDR 900 Billion

According to the National Police Chief, previously the Head of the Public Relations Division had conveyed that the issue was not true. When the police searched Ferdy Sambo's house, Duren Tiga, Saguling, and Bangka, including in Magelang, they found only cellphones, knives, weapons boxes, and several m-banking reports.

“After we investigated, the incident that had gone viral was the case of counterfeit dollar bills that took place in Atlanta, United States. So, we will straighten this out," said General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

The National Police Chief ensured that he would continue to process this case transparently, openly, and nothing was covered up. As directed by President Jokowi.

"This is definitely a bitter pill for us. However, we are committed that what happened is certainly a momentum for us to continue to make improvements to the Polri institution, so that it will be better in the future, and can provide better services to the community. This is our bet to maintain the dignity of the Police," said the National Police Chief.

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