
JAKARTA - Quite complete, comprehensive, and not long-winded. This is what the Director of Strategic Politics, M Subhan, said when observing President Jokowi's speech at the MPR annual session at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday (16/8).

President Jokowi is able to explain well all the things that have been achieved. He also straightforwardly explained the strength of the nation and what it wanted to do. For example, Jokowi's desire to continue to strengthen legal, social, political and economic protection for the people. Also, his request is to eliminate identity politics, no more politicization of religion and social polarization in the implementation of the 2024 General Election.

This desire explicitly describes the current condition of the Indonesian nation, which is still trying to harmonize the dynamics of the nation, and is still struggling to overcome emerging disturbances. According to Subhan, this is not just the president's job. In the concept of the state, the people must also play an active role.

"If Jokowi just shouts loudly without the support of the people, it's a bit of a hassle. Because of the concept of a state, besides the government there are also people," said Subhan to VOI, Wednesday (17/8).

The preamble to the 1945 Constitution has mandated the realization of an independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous Indonesian state.

MPR annual session, Tuesday (16/8). (BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev)

And, to form a Government of the State of Indonesia which protects the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia and to promote public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in implementing world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice.

Inevitably, the people must participate, because the people are subjects of a country. That is why, legal protection is crucial. The concept of all people being equal in the eyes of the law must be upheld.

As the philosopher, Jeremi Bentham said, law is made for social order. If there is no legal protection, do not expect social obedience, political obedience, economic obedience, can be achieved.

"If the law is enforced, it must be straight, not indiscriminate. Not choosing A has privileges, has privileges. All in the eyes of the law those who are guilty must be punished and punished. Those who are innocent should be appreciated. However, the punishment for those who steal chickens should not be the same as those for corrupting billions or trillions of rupiah. In this context, law enforcement must be firm. This is the duty of the president, whoever the president is. People help monitor," he said.

Likewise, legal protection in other sectors, both in the economic, educational, political and other sectors.

Without Qibla

Unfortunately, since the reform era, the legal arrangement in Indonesia has continued to change along with the change in power. The nation, in this case the government, seems to no longer have a standard direction in determining the direction of future development.

“There is no continuity of government from the era of Pak Habibie, Gusdur, then Megawati, SBY, to President Jokowi. Change the president, change the concept of legal arrangement, finally starting again from scratch. In the end, it is difficult to enforce the concept of equality before the law," said Subhan.

Why not copy the New Order era which implemented the system through the Outlines of State Policy (GBHN)? This system is very good for formulating what Indonesia wants to be in the following years. The GBHN is derived from the constitution without neglecting the nature of the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila as the basis of the state.

So that later, whoever becomes president or who controls the government must be guided by the GBHN.

“So there is a clear goal, for example in 70 years, Indonesia will be a leader in the Asia Pacific or whatever. Technically there are changes with the times, its ok. We corrected it, it turns out that this is no longer available with the current condition, is no longer compatible with the current era, we will evaluate it as well. But that doesn't mean that we destroy everything. There are still many good things left from the New Order that we can take away," he explained.

Later, legal protection, social welfare, will have been covered if we refer to the constitution that was passed down through the GBHN. Indonesia will also have more dignity in the eyes of the world.

RI 77th Anniversary Ceremony at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. (Antara/Secretpres Media Press Bureau/Muchlis Jr)

Politics since the time of Plato has been about how to act for the benefit of the general public. So, it must be conceptualized carefully and not just a five-year concept as it is today.

“So far, we have been fussing about the five-year concept. Competition, contestation, rivalry, always want to beat one another. In the end, politics is just a struggle for power, a tool for power to enrich oneself or a group, after that it's over," continued Subhan.

In fact, the founders of the nation have inherited Pancasila as the basis of the state. This is the concept of Indonesian intellectual property that is not owned by other countries.

The contents of Pancasila, according to Subhan, are truly amazing and very complete. Very nationalist, religious, and humanist. Then, closed with social justice.

“The fifth principle is an important point. Justice must be the goal in the state. If justice is not applied and implemented, there will be dissatisfaction, if there is dissatisfaction, there will be rebellion and conflict. This instability must be avoided," he said.

Longevity Republic of Indonesia. Recover faster, rise stronger. Hopefully Indonesia can provide legal protection for its people as stated in the 5th principle, 'Social Justice for All Indonesian People'.

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