
JAKARTA – Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J and the Hero of the Revolution, First Lieutenant Pierre Andries Tendean were both adjutant generals at his boss's house. Brigadier J died at the house of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on July 8, 2022, while being kidnapped from the house of General Abdul Haris Nasution on September 30, 1965.

There is one thing in common between them, namely the matter of marriage failure because death picks them up. Let's explore the story of the two adjutant generals.

His full name is Pierre Andries Tendean, born in Jakarta on February 21, 1939. His father is a doctor from Manado, North Sulawesi, while his mother is an Indonesian-French mulatto.

In 1958, he was accepted into the Army Engineering Academy (ATEKAD). After graduating, he served in the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion of Military Region II/Bukit Barisan, Medan.

Hero of the Revolution, Captain Pierre Andries Tendean who was an aide to General Abdul Haris Nasution. (Wikimedia Commons)

His ability to master foreign languages makes Pierre often become a translator when foreign guests visit him. Pierre is known to speak English, French, Dutch, and German.

It was also this skill that brought him to take military intelligence education in Bogor, West Java, so that he was able to carry out intelligence tasks in other countries.

Thanks to his courage and integrity, in March 1964, he was even trusted as Commander of Base Y in Pasir Panjang, Karimun. At that time, troops were being prepared for reconnaissance and sabotage missions to infiltrate Malaysia through Johor in Operation Dwikora. Pierre Tendean at that time led the second team to be dispatched to Malaysia.

In April 1965, Pierre was promoted to First Lieutenant and was elected as an adjutant to General AH Nasution.

The tragedy of September 30, 1965

Thursday night, September 30, 1965, a number of Cakrabirawa troops surrounded the residence of General Nasution at Jalan Teuku Umar Number 41, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

They paralyzed the guards. Several troops entered the house. General Nasution and his wife, Johanna Suniarti, woke up hearing the sound of shoes in the area inside their house.

Johanna opened the door slightly and immediately told her husband.

"Cakrabirawa," said Johanna.

He wondered why in the middle of the night there was a special presidential guard who came to his residence. Neither of the housekeepers told him.

Nasution and Johanna wondered. Nasution immediately opened the door and was greeted with gunfire.

"Open the door," said Private Cakrabirawa as he continued to shoot at the door.

Johanna tried to hold the door to give her husband a chance to escape.

Ade Irma, who was sleeping with them, also woke up hearing the noise. Unbeknownst to Johanna, Ade Irma was shot.

Pierre Andries Tendean and Ade Irma Suryani, daughters of General Abdul Haris Nasution who were also victims of the G30S/PKI incident. (AH Nasution Museum)

"Hurry up and go," Johanna asked her husband while carrying the injured Ade Irma.

Nasution managed to save himself by climbing the wall next to his house.

Pierre also suddenly woke up. As an adjutant, he immediately grabbed a rifle and rushed to the courtyard area of the house.

"You wait here," said Pierre to Yanti.

Cakrabirawa soldier restrained Pierre's steps, "Don't move, put down the weapon. Where's Nasution?"

Putting down his gun, Pierre immediately answered, "I'm Nasution."

He was immediately taken away by Cakrabirawa Soldiers. His body was found in an old well in Lubang Buaya Village, East Jakarta along with the bodies of seven other army generals on October 4, 1965.

That's a bit of a conversation on the kidnapping scene of Pierre Tendean in the film Pengk betrayal G 30 S PKI made by Director Arifin C. Noer in 1984.

The Indonesian government designated Pierre Tendean as one of the Revolutionary Heroes and was posthumously promoted to the rank of captain.

The Love Story of Pierre Tendean and Rukmini

The book entitled Pancasila Cakti Monument (1975) wrote that Pierre found his heart in Medan. Her name is Rukmini Chaimin.

Their relationship continued even though Pierre was already serving in Jakarta as an adjutant to General AH Nasution. Even at the end of July 1965, on the sidelines of escorting his boss to Medan, he took the time to meet Rukmini's parents to propose to her lover.

Reportedly, the results of the marriage agreement will be held on November 21, 1965. However, fate has other plans.

Pierre Tendean and his girlfriend, Rukmini Chaimin. (

The news of Pierre's departure certainly saddens Rukmini's heart. It took Rukmini years to recover her feelings. On the day of the celebration of the supernatural power of Pancasila in 1967, Rukmini came to remember the figure of her beloved lover who was separated by death. In 1972, Rukmini finally found her soul mate again. Not a soldier, but a bank employee.

Pierre is a handsome man. Yanti, in the book Sang Patriot: The Story of a Revolutionary Hero edited by Abie Besman in 2019 admits that Pierre's face is extraordinary handsome, which fascinates the opposite sex. However, with his rigidity, Pierre rarely seemed flirtatious in front of women.

Another Pierre Another Joshua

The death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) not only left deep sorrow for his family, but also for his lover, Vera Simanjuntak.

How not, this aide to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo also plans to get married in early 2023. Brigadier J has also expressed his intention to Vera's parents.

"The plan is for another seven months," Vera told reporters after undergoing an examination at the Jambi Regional Police Headquarters on July 24.

Brigadier J had time to confide in his girlfriend, Vera Simanjuntak via video call. Brigadier J seemed to have known that he would suffer an unlucky fate. (Facebook)

However, the mate said otherwise. Vera got the news that her lover died at her boss's house on July 8, 2022.

If Pierre Tendean died protecting his boss's family, Brigadier J died, it was suspected that he was killed by his colleague on orders from 'The Boss'

Until now, the disclosure of Brigadier J's murder case is still ongoing. The National Police Special Team has named four suspects, one of whom is Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

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