
JAKARTA - The news that the famous Indonesian da'wah interpreter, Abdul Somad Batubara was refused to enter Singapore, became the main attention of the mass media and social media. The 44-year-old man who has the popular abbreviation UAS, from the name Ustaz Abdul Somad, failed to enter Singapore using a ferry from Batam on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 13.30 WIB or 14.30 Singapore time.

Abdul Somad was detained for several hours at the Tanah Merah Port immigration office, Singapore before being returned to Batam on Monday afternoon. Through his Instagram account, Abdul Somad admitted that he was deported from Singapore on May 16, 2022.

Abdul Somad also posted a video on Instagram, which depicts him in a room.

"UAS in a 1x2 meter room is like a prison at immigration, before being deported from Singapore," UAS wrote in the video he uploaded.

Ustaz Abdul Somad when he married his wife, Fatimah Az Zahra Salim Barabud in 2021. (Instagram/@ustadzabdulsomad_official)

Abdul Somad's trip to Singapore with the purpose of vacation. He said that there was no schedule for lectures or anything other than holidays. This preacher said he did not accept the treatment he received in Singapore.

"So that must be explained. Ask all Indonesian citizens to ask for an explanation, what's wrong? Let us know if we are clear, the file is lacking or what, explain. Why? Is it because of terrorists? Is it because of ISIS? Is it because of carrying drugs? That needs to be explained," said Abdul Somad.

Abdul Somad and his entourage of seven people were finally returned to Indonesia, by ferry to Batam Port at 16.30 Singapore time.

Accusing the LGBT Community

This is not the first time Abdul Somad has been denied entry to a country. He has been refused entry to Hong Kong (2017), Timor Leste (2018), Netherlands (2018), and England (2018).

As quoted from TribunnewsWiki, Abdul Somad accused the union of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) for being behind the rejection of his arrival in Europe.

"In the Netherlands you are not allowed to enter. You can't enter in England. Who is protesting? Because my lecture was considered offensive to LGBT. So they reported the LGBT union, took their picture, don't let this person enter," said Abdul Somad.

The Brilliance of Majestic ferry boarded by Ustaz Abdul Somad to Singapore on 16 May 2022. (Cruise & Ferry)

Is it true that Abdul Somad's rejection in Europe is only about LGBT issues? Of course, Abdul Somad once gave a lecture on the topic of rejection of LGBT. He cited Starbucks coffee shop as an LGBT advocate that should be avoided.

"Starbucks, why are you embarrassed to mention it: Starbucks, in the afterlife you will see its contribution to LGBT. The angel asked 'LGBT, why are you so big?' 'Because there is a donation'. 'Who is donating?'. 'That's in heaven.' Eh, take it back. You're going to hell for donating to Starbucks," said Abdul Somad in a video that had gone viral in October 2017, as quoted by BBC Indonesia on 27 April 2018.

Reason for Rejection Singapore

Singapore's Ministry of Home Affairs finally revealed the reasons for their rejection of Abdul Somad. One of them is because he is considered to be spreading about extremism and division.

"Somad is known to spread extremist teachings and divisions, which are unacceptable in Singapore's multiracial and multi-religious society," said Singapore's Ministry of Home Affairs in a written press statement responding to a diplomatic note sent by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Abdul Somad's refusal to enter. May.

The statement also explained that in his sermon, Ustaz Abdul Somad held the view that suicide bombings in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were "martyrdom operations".

Orchard Road, the most famous leisure area in Singapore that Ustaz Abdul Somad will definitely visit if he manages to enter and vacation in the country. (Wikipedia)

The explanation from the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs also included the question of Abdul Somad's lecture which was considered to be degrading to other religions. The example mentioned is when Abdul Somad mentions that the Christian cross is the abode of the gentile infidel.

“Besides, Somad openly refers to non-Muslims as infidels. Meanwhile Somad tries to enter Singapore pretending to be for a social visit. The Singapore government takes seriously anyone advocating violence and/or supporting extremist teachings and divisions. Somad and his travel companions were refused entry to Singapore," said the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Never Pass the Immigration Desk

Singapore's Ministry of Home Affairs statement that Abdul Somad was indeed denied entry contradicts the statement by the preacher who went viral that he was deported.

What happened to Abdul Somad in Singapore, according to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) at Tanah Merah Port, was not to land or being refused entry. A very different understanding from deportation.

According to Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, deportation is the forced expulsion of a person from within the territory of the country. A person who is deported must have entered or resided in the territory of a country, but due to an administrative offense or other crucial reason he must be expelled from that country.

The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore has been seeking an explanation of the reasons for Ustaz Abdul Somad's refusal to enter Singapore. (Between)

Not to land is a situation when a person is denied entry to a country. The refusal could be due to incorrect administrative requirements, or other reasons deemed important.

In a talk show on TVOne, Abdul Somad still uses the diction that he was deported. Abdul Somad explained that his passport and thumb had been scanned and were running, but he was later withdrawn. Unfortunately Abdul Somad did not show his passport which had been affixed with the entry stamp by Singapore immigration.

"I didn't see the physical passport. But from ICA it is clear refusal of entry. If it's scanned, it's possible to read the data. When the digital data comes out, it may be known that his name is on the list that is not allowed to enter," said the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore, Suryopratomo to VOI.

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Singapore, Suryopratomo. (

"Ustaz Abdul Somad never passed the immigration desk right? Immediately brought to the room. Field officers don't know people. They only know when data comes in, then there is an alert. He's probably a deportation diction. But ICA uses diction to refuse entry,” said Suryopratomo again.

For whatever reason, Utstaz Abdul Somad used the diction that he was deported. Because it contained the understanding that he had indeed been allowed in, and was expelled. If Abdul Somad wanted to show proof that his passport had indeed been stamped with a permit to enter Singapore, then the deportation claim was true.

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