
JAKARTA - Bad news came from the entertainment world, it was known that a model Novi Amelia died in the Kalibata City Apartment, Wednesday, February 16, 2022 morning. Novi's death is suspected as a result of suicide. Novi is suspected of experiencing stress or depression.

Quoted from, according to Psychiatrist Martha Dinar Alit, SpKJ, M.Kes stress or depression is a source of disease. When a person experiences stress, many health problems can arise, including mental health. Stress can trigger a response from the human body. If not handled properly, stress can cause physical and psychological disorders (panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and can lead to depression.

Quoted from Between December 11, 2021, the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Ministry of Health stated that the number of cases of mental disorders and depression had increased by 6.5 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

Illustration of depression. (Photo: Unsplash)

"The impact of the pandemic, the number of mental disorders and depression has increased to 6.5 percent nationally," said Plt. Director General of P2P of the Ministry of Health, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, at the 2021 World Mental Health Day (HKJS) Memorial in the Hall of the Regional Mental Hospital (RSJD) Surakarta, Central Java.

According to Maxi Rein, the increase in mental disorders and depression during the current pandemic is around 12 million people. They are of working age. Most of the causes include social limitations due to staying at home for too long and losing their jobs.

"Those who experience mental disorders and depression from the age of 15 to 50 years or of productive age," said Maxi Rien. respondents experienced depression due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, as many as 80 percent of respondents had symptoms of psychological post-traumatic stress due to experiencing or witnessing unpleasant events related to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, based on data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the number of anxiety disorders experienced by the community has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase reached 6.8 percent. A total of 18,373 people experienced anxiety disorders, more than 23,000 experienced depression and about 1,193 people attempted suicide.

Causes of Stress

The pandemic condition, which has entered its second year for people around the world, requires people to limit their activities by only staying at home for months, which is often the main trigger. Other factors that also make stress conditions worse for most people include:

- Economic problems, a decrease in income or termination of employment (PHK).

- Very limited or greatly reduced social interaction.

- Work from home which turns out to be more time-consuming.

- Excessive anxiety about contracting COVID-19 and uncertainty over the end of the pandemic, which

Often accompanied by personality disorders.

Mental health campaign during the pandemic. (Photo: Ministry of Health RI)

Who Potentially Experiences Mental Problems During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Quoting from loneliness and social isolation also increase the risk of depression and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. The mental health risks of COVID-19 in adults and the elderly tend to be smaller because there is less need to socialize.

However, based on several studies, there are a number of factors that can increase the risk, including:

Female because they are more prone to stress and post-traumatic stress disorder. Productive age and receive a lot of information from social media or mass media which can increase pressure. Higher education because they are more aware of the importance of health so they are more susceptible to stress because they think too much about health threats. work during a pandemic because they are more worried about contracting COVID-19, especially when using public transportation Decreased income or loss of work due to the pandemic Living in an area with a high transmission rate or many acquaintances or family members who are positive for COVID-19 Impact of Stress

In general, everyone can experience stress with various causes and factors. However, there are some parties who are more prone to stress during the pandemic, such as confirmed COVID-19 patients and their families, medical personnel and their families, workers, to children who go to school from home. These various parties are important for the surrounding environment to pay more attention to so that stress can be more resolved. Here are some signs that people are experiencing stress that need help:

Changes in daily behavior, such as difficulty sleeping, lack of appetite, and so on. Experiencing changes in physical conditions, such as chest palpitations, nausea, cold sweats, feeling short of breath or shortness of breath, and headaches. Feeling changes in psychological conditions, such as anxiety, easily frustrated or angry, easily sad or crying, feeling depressed, and difficulty concentrating. Solutions to Overcome Stress

Quoted from, here are a number of ways to manage stress properly and correctly to make physically and mentally calmer during the pandemic:

- Identify the source of your stress first.

- Realize that in reality you have to adapt to the new normal in time

which is old

- Change negative thought patterns by learning to think positively in these situations.

- Reduce the use of social media and read the news excessively which sometimes doesn't exist

certainly true, thus triggering anxiety.

- Increase physical activity such as regular exercise. Being active can reduce stress levels

- Keep in touch, thanks to the Internet, we can still chat with friends by phone or video call. Take advantage of this technology to keep in touch with other people, including pouring out your heart that is a burden.

- Grateful, It must be realized whether we like it or not, at this time we are indeed in a state of the COVID-19 pandemic. Don't complain, but stay grateful because we are still given the opportunity to live life.

Illustration of depression. (Photo: Unsplash)

If you feel you have any of the symptoms of depression, don't give up and decide to end your life. You are not alone. Counseling services can be your choice to ease the existing anxiety. Another option is that we must instill in ourselves that we are not alone. We can talk to trusted people in our environment, it can be family or friends who understand our condition.

You can also contact a professional service, namely Mental Health Psychology Service (SEJIWA) for free at 119 Ext 8.

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