
JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) has budgeted social grants for a number of agencies and institutions. Two of those institutions are linked to people in close circles of power. Some parties smell a conflict of interest. What are the rules for granting grants by the DKI Provincial Government?

They are Yayasan Pondok Karya Pembangunan and Bunda Pintar Indonesia, two institutions that received a grant from the DKI Provincial Government. Searching the website, the Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation is an institution under the leadership of KH Amidhan.

The official website of the Jakarta Institute of Health and Technology, which is managed by the Karya Pembangunan Foundation, also lists the name of KH Amidhan Saberah as chairman of the foundation. It is known that KH Amidhan is the biological father of the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria.

Meanwhile, Bunda Pintar Indonesia is listed as a non-profit organization associated with the Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PAN faction, Zita Anjani. At Bunda Pintar Indonesia, the son of PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan was once an organizational builder.

Based on the input data for the 2022 Provisional Budget Ceiling Priority General Policy component (KUA-PPAS) obtained by VOI, Friday, November 19, the DKI Provincial Government has budgeted Rp480 million for a grant to the Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation.

Meanwhile, for the Smart Mother of Indonesia, the budget from the DKI Provincial Government is Rp. 900 million. This figure is the second highest in the list of budget allocations for the 2022 KUA-PPAS grant. Meanwhile, the figure of Rp.480 million to the Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation is the third largest.

The highest grant budget is given to Jakarta Youth Organizations: IDR 1 billion. In addition to the three institutions above, on average, DKI Provincial Government grant recipients receive Rp. 25-Rp 50 million. The institution that received the lowest grants was the Cheshire Indonesia Foundation, with IDR 18 million.

Deputy Governor of DKI Riza Patria (Diah Ayu Wardani/VOI)

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Riza Patria, spoke about this issue. Riza said he would check the procedure for granting grants to the Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation, which was led by his own father. Riza said, the most important thing was that there were no violations.

"We'll see, yes. The principle must be in accordance with the provisions, yes. We must accommodate all interests ... The Rp486 million grant fund is not for foundations. This fund is the cost for feeding students. Santri," Riza told reporters at City Hall.

Riza also explained that initially the Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation was founded by former Governor Ali Sadikin in 1976. At that time Ali Sadikin wanted to establish a madrasa as a means of education and knowledge of Islam.

The DKI Provincial Government's assistance for the Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation has also been prepared since then. In the relay, from Fauzi Bowo to Basuki Tjahaja Purnama carried out the construction to the arrangement of madrasah and Islamic boarding schools under the foundation. Now it is the turn of the DKI Provincial Government under him and Anies to provide grant assistance for the daily operations of the students.

"This is in accordance with the foundation's desire to prepare pesantren for santri, orphans, and poor people. The funds are very small. Only for meals. One meal is Rp. 10,000 times three, so Rp. 30,000, multiplied by 30 days a month, multiplied by six months, multiplied by 90 people became Rp486 million," Riza.

Asked further, Riza closed another opportunity to ask reporters. "Thank you, yes. Enough, yes." Meanwhile, until this article was written, the Deputy Chair of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PAN faction, Zita Anjani, had not responded to the VOI.

Local government grant rules

Provisions regarding grants are regulated in Governor Regulation Number 35 of 2021. Article 1 paragraph 9 explains the definition of grants:

Grants are the provision of money/goods or services from the Regional Government to the Central Government or other Regional Governments, State-Owned Enterprises/Regional-Owned Enterprises, Agencies, Institutions and community organizations that are Indonesian legal entities whose specific allocation has been determined, is not mandatory and non-binding, and not continuously aimed at supporting the implementation of regional government affairs.

Article 2 paragraph 1 explains which parties the DKI Provincial Government can grant grants to. These parties are the central government, other regional governments, state-owned enterprises or regional-owned enterprises, and/or public bodies, institutions and organizations incorporated as Indonesian legal entities.

Paragraph 6 of the same article stipulates that grants are intended to support the achievement of the program targets and activities of the DKI Provincial Government, according to the urgency and interests of the region. Paragraph 7 regulates the criteria for granting grants, which at least must meet:

a. its specific allocation has been determined;

b. is non-mandatory and non-binding;

c. not continuously every fiscal year, except: 1. to the central government in order to support the implementation of regional government for urgent purposes in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations; and/or2. otherwise determined by the provisions of the legislation.

d. provide value for benefits to the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta in supporting the implementation of government, development and community functions; and

e. meet the requirements of grant recipients.

Photo illustration (Mufid Majnun/VOI)

Article 3 paragraph 6 explains:

The grant to the agency or institution as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (1) letter d shall be granted to the following agency or institution:

a. which are non-profit, voluntary and social in nature established under the laws and regulations;

b. which are non-profit, voluntary and social in nature that already has a Registered Certificate issued by the Minister of Home Affairs or the Governor;

c. non-profit, voluntary, social in nature in the form of customary law unit community groups as long as they are still alive and in accordance with community development and their existence is recognized by the Central Government and/or DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through ratification or stipulation and the head of a vertical agency or Head of SKPD/SKPD Unit related in accordance with its authority; and

d. cooperatives that are established based on the provisions of the legislation and meet the criteria stipulated further by the Governor's Regulation.

According to paragraph 7 of the same article, it is regulated that grants to community organizations that are legal entities in Indonesia, as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (1) letter d are given to community organizations that are legal entities as foundations or community organizations that have obtained legal entity approval from the ministry in charge of business affairs. law and human rights in accordance with statutory provisions.

Meanwhile, Article 4 paragraph 1 explains:

(1) The grant to the agency or institution as referred to in Article 3 paragraph (6) shall be granted with the following requirements:

a. have a clear management;

b. have a domicile statement and i Lurah or other designations; and

c. domiciled within the administrative area of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and/or an agency or institution domiciled outside the administrative area of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to support the achievement of the program targets and activities of the local government granting the Grant.

(2) Grants to community organizations as referred to in Article 3 paragraph (7) are granted with the following requirements:

a. has been registered with the ministry in charge of legal affairs and human rights;

b. domiciled in the administrative area of DKI Jakarta Province; and

c. has a permanent secretariat in the DKI Jakarta Province.

Conflict of interest

Researcher of the Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) Lucius Karus smells a strong conflict of interest in the submission of this grant budget, especially for the Smart Mother of Indonesia. According to Lucius, there needs to be further investigation into the distribution of grant funds to foundations fostered by the Deputy Chairperson of the DKI DPRD from the PAN faction, Zita Anjani.

"I think it is necessary to investigate the potential conflict of interest behind the proposed grant in the RAPBD which will be given to the association that Zita has fostered, who is a deputy chairman of the DPRD himself," said Lucius when contacted, Friday, November 19.

Lucius explained, in essence, granting funds to an agency or institution aims to support the administration of regional government affairs. However, if the nominal or allocation of grant funds is not right on target, this can be a problem. Lucius is worried about the potential for abuse of power in the distribution of grant funds from the APBD.

In line of thought. Trisakti University public policy analyst, Trubus Rahadiansyah said that grant policy basically has vulnerabilities. Grant funds are often used as a source of funds. And regarding the two foundations in this discussion, Trubus called this incident a picture of the depravity of the bureaucracy.

"I see this is full of politics of interest. Grant funds are like bankrolls to share cakes. It's still better to have a foundation. There is also a fictitious foundation. This is part of the potential, the mode of corruption that exists in the DKI Provincial Government. This indicates that the bureaucracy is degenerate. Bureaucratic reform does not work in terms of transparency and public accountability," Trubus told VOI, Friday, November 19.

There is one important improvement in the system and schematic of granting by the government, namely accountability at the downstream level. "Actually, the responsibility is only on reporting activities. Because most of the activity reports are fictitious. For example, an orphanage foundation, it's as if it was given to orphans of a thousand people. But it's never been checked."

"I think it's more about the implementation. If the theory and rules are clear regarding the budgeting. Why there are deviations, it's in the implementation because of factors, one of which is because of the weakness of human resources. The mentality of the ASN itself. Then there are ties, I don't know whether it's family, political party ideology or whatever, that's part of the orders."

*Read other information about the DKI Provincial Government or read other interesting articles from Diah Ayu Wardani and Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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