JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan removed the Acting Head of the Tourism and Culture Office, Alberto Ali from his post. This removal was immediately carried out after the 2019 Adi Karyawisata award to the Colosseum discotheque was revoked.
Head of the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) DKI Chaidir said that currently the position of Acting Head of Disparbud is currently being filled by Sri Haryati as Assistant Regional Secretary for the Economy.
"Yes, that's right. Alberto Ali was replaced by Mrs. Sri Haryati," said Chaidir when contacted, Tuesday, December 17.
That means, Alberto only served as Acting Head of Disparbud for 42 days, after replacing Edy Junaedi, who resigned after the Jakarta budget polemic. Now, Alberto is back in his initial position, namely the Head of Information and Development for the DKI Disparbud.
When met separately, Sri Haryati admitted that he had not received an official letter regarding his appointment as Acting Head of Disparbud DKI. Sri considered the reason for his appointment as Plt because he was capable enough to manage the economy.

Given that, starting in 2020, the Tourism and Culture Office will change to the Tourism and Creative Economy Office.
"Currently we are bidding (auction) of the Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office. So, while waiting for the process until January, hopefully who will be elected there. Meanwhile, I am the (economic) coordinator, maybe that's the consideration, "said Sri.
Returning to the Head of BKD DKI Chaidir, Alberto's removal was carried out after the inspection results of the DKI Inspectorate. "Now, it's time to be checked and checked, a little wrong in checking it. That's the rule (after the direct inspection was removed)," said Chaidir.
The inspectorate considers that Alberto and the related Disparbud officials were not careful when carrying out the selection process to award the Colosseum. Given, the DKI Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) conducted raids at the Colosseum on Sunday, September 8.
The Jakarta National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) secured 34 visitors to the Colosseum and 1001 hotels who tested positive for narcotics after taking urine tests. 19 of them were men and 15 were women.
Then, the DKI Provincial Government has summoned and issued a written warning letter to the Colosseum and has been asked to make a written statement. The Colosseum should promote intensive supervision of visitors.
Regional Secretary of DKI Saefullah promised that his party would further tighten the study of tourism sector companies that would receive a similar award.
"In the future, we will conduct a rigorous study of the procedures and criteria for assessing the Adi Field Trip award. So, this must be more accurate," said Saefullah.
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