
JAKARTA - The disgraceful action of a Starbucks coffee shop employee recorded in a viral video on social media. The video shows several Starbucks employees peeking at visitors' breasts through surveillance cameras or CCTV.

In the video circulating, the Starbucks coffee shop employee is seen in front of a monitor connected to CCTV. The man directs the image to a visitor. Then, the image was enlarged to highlight the chest of the visitor.

Psychologist from the University of Indonesia Rose Mini Agoes Salim said that it is likely that the action started because of a prank. Because, referring to the video that was circulating, there were laughter from the action recorder and breast-peeping employees.

"This possibility is (based on) just for fun," Rose told VOI , Friday, July 3.

But, behind the fun, continued Rose, maybe there is a sense of wanting to show courage from the rich who tried to peek at one of the visitors. So that, later it will get attention from other colleagues for being the only person who dares to do this.

"He wants to see how brave he is in his friends' eyes to do this. People exist sometimes doing strange things and they get rewarded because they feel cared for," he explained.

However, Rosa did not want to suspect psychological distortion from the perpetrator peeking at the breasts from the CCTV footage. Because, to ensure a deviation like this one has to go through a psychological examination process first.

"For other psychological disorders, it may have to go through further examination," he said.

Previously, Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said the police had opened up opportunities for legal action against this Starbucks employee.

Not only that, the police will also take action against people who spread videos to social media. The two people, he said, could be charged with criminals.

"We will follow up on the incident. For the perpetrators who recorded and disseminated this of course it has violated, we will also be subject to the articles of the ITE Law," said Yusri, Thursday, July 2.

However, he said, the police could not do much. This is because no party has yet felt aggrieved and has reported this incident.

Meanwhile, Kapolsek Tanah Abang AKBP Raden Jauhari said the police had coordinated with Starbucks Indonesia about this incident. As a result, the incident occurred at an outlet in Sunter Mall, North Jakarta on July 1.

He said, the circulation of this video originated from sending each other between employees. Until finally it went viral on social media and became public consumption.

"The initial viral video was spread by employees to friends, then it went viral," said Jauhari.

Meanwhile, Starbucks has apologized for this incident. The company has fired employees who were involved in this dishonorable act.

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