JAKARTA - Four victims of criminal acts of terrorism received compensation from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). During the handover, LPSK asked President Joko Widodo to give more attention to the victims of terrorism and human rights violations that had been lacking.
This was conveyed by the Chairman of LPSK Hasto Atmojo Suroyo in front of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. Not only a matter of attention in the form of compensation, LPSK asked that there be a concrete solution from the state regarding acts of terrorism.
"I convey my hope from victims of terrorism crimes and past human rights violations so that the President can pay attention to the victims," said Hasto in his remarks at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Friday, December 13.
Regarding victims of past human rights violations, LPSK contributed suggestions that the resolution of these cases did not only rely on judicial or legal channels but could be done non-judicial.
Apart from paying more attention to the victims, Hasto also asked the president to immediately issue a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) which stipulates that the LPSK can perform calculations and facilitate claims for compensation.
"We hope that this Perpres will soon be completed and ratified. So that LPSK compensation payments to the families of victims can be done immediately," he said.
After hearing the request from the head of the LPSK, Mahfud also had the opportunity to speak. He said President Jokowi had actually paid more attention to victims of terrorism. However, because of his busy life as President of Indonesia, it is quite difficult for families or victims of terrorism to have a meeting with Jokowi.
"I just realized how busy a president is. Like now, I have changed (the agenda) 3 times sir. I have to come here, like now. This program changes again, then suddenly a meeting and then Friday there is an event," Mahfud said at the event.
"So please understand that the government, the President, I also cannot be scheduled for the event. The meeting is not easy. There are many lines that must be accepted and fulfilled by the law. Thank you," he added.
In this event, LPSK and Kemenkopolhukam provided compensation to the four victims. The terrorist victims on the Kanci-Pejagan-Cirebon toll road, namely, Angga Dwi Turangga received compensation of IDR 51,706,168, Widi Harjana received compensation of IDR 75,884,080 and Ashiri received compensation of IDR 286,396,000.
Meanwhile, Andras Dwi Anggoro, who was a victim of the Terrorist who occurred in Pasar Blimbing Lamongan, East Java, received compensation of Rp. 36,353,277.
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