
JAKARTA - India opens a major hospital in Delhi: Sardar Patel COVID Care Center. This hospital will be one of the largest hospitals in the world. The opening of the hospital was carried out to coincide with the largest spike in cases of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Land of the Continent.

Reported by CNN, the Sardar Patel COVID Care Center began operating on Sunday, June 28, with two thousand beds available. According to the target, next Wednesday, July 1, Sardar Patel will add another eight thousand beds until the target of ten thousand beds is achieved.

Indian Interior Minister Amit Shah and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal have visited the treatment center located in Chattarpur. The visit was made Saturday, 27 June, one day before its official opening.

In a Twitter post that day, Kejriwal described the center as "among the largest hospitals in the world." Amit is also singing. He said ten beds would be "a big help for the people in Delhi."

Amit continued, the administration and operation of the Sardar Patel COVID Care Center will be under the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. "I commend our courageous ITBP personnel, who will operate this COVID Care facility during these difficult times. Their commitment to serving the nation and people of Delhi is unmatched," Amit tweeted.

The opening of the hospital came just as India reported 19,906 new infections and 410 new deaths from COVID-19. That day, India rounded up 528,859 cases of COVID-19. Delhi is one of the cities worst hit by COVID-19. Last Wednesday, 24 June, Delhi officially surpassed Mumbai.

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