
JAKARTA - Rosy is upset. His electricity bill in June increased six times from the previous month. Rosy is a private employee assigned by her company to take care of electricity bills.

Rosy felt that the increase in electricity bills she was experiencing was unnatural. Because, in the April payment for March usage, 222 kWh, the bill was IDR 2,168,068. In early March, he admitted, he had made an additional power from 7,700 VA to 11,000 VA. However, usage is still normal.

On the May payment for April usage with a total kWh of 1,326, the bill was IDR 1,820,742. Meanwhile, in the June payment for May usage, the bill grew to Rp10,767,775.

VOI followed Rosy to visit the PLN Jatinegara branch office. When he got there, Rosy asked the officer about the surge in electricity bills he was experiencing.

"I want to ask, why the bill was up to Rp10 million? Whereas the previous month the bill was only Rp2 million? The office has been empty since March because most of the employees work from home (WFH) or work from home. Who uses electricity until the bill is large. like this? Please explain this, "said Rosy, to the PLN officer, at the PLN Jatinegara Branch Office, East Jakarta, Wednesday, June 17.

Rosy also explained that he was aware of a surge in electricity bills from PLN officers who came to the office where he worked. The officer advised Rosy to come to the PLN office to get a more detailed answer.

"This is the kWh, why is it up to 7,855? Who is using it, bro? My office is empty. This is not logical. The electricity bill should be reduced because activities are eliminated due to COVID-19. I don't hold any events at the office. This can be up to Rp10 million. electricity consumption, why? " he said.

Hearing Rosy's complaint, the officer then displayed a record of electricity consumption since the beginning of the year. As a result, the kWh charged to the May account was different from the meter recording carried out by the PLN meter officer.

"Based on the photo meter data, there is an error in the bill. The kWh that was billed in May should be 4,733, but here it is recorded that it is 1,326," said the officer.

He explained that if the consumption of 4,733 kWh was converted to the electricity tariff of non-subsidized PLN customers of around Rp1,467 per kWh, the bill to be paid by Rosy was Rp. 6,943,311 in May.

Then, continued the officer, because the bill that was billed to customers in May did not match the original usage of kWh, this amount was accumulated in June so that the bill became Rp.10,767,775.

Rosy then asked why the kWh usage history that was billed and what should have been paid could be different. The PLN officer again explained that there was an error made by the officer in inputting data.

"It should have been 4,733 but inputted 1,326. We admit there was a human error. The meter clerk who recorded was not wrong, but there was an error in the officer when inputting the data. Because here there is no explanation for the addition of power, so the kWh that is recorded is the one calculated based on month usage before, "he said.

The officer also provided a solution for Rosy by offering to conduct a laboratory check on the electricity meter in Rosy's office. The goal is to find out if there is an error in the meter that causes the bill to soar.

Record the electricity consumption of a company in South Jakarta experiencing a spike in bills. (Mery Handayani / VOI)

"Just like this, if you are still not sure. We both check the meter to the laboratory to see if there is an error in the meter or not. Because it was said that since March it was empty. To be clear, officers will come to Ms. Rosy's place," said the PLN officer. Jatinegara.

However, he emphasized, if the result is no fault with the electricity meter, Rosy will have to pay the receivables amounting to what was billed in June.

"If there is nothing wrong with the meter tool. That means it must be paid according to what was billed. But if there is something wrong with the device, we will correct it," he explained.

However, Rosy was not satisfied with the officer's answer. He again asked, what percentage of the potential for the meter could be wrong. Then, he also asked for details of his electricity usage in May. However, the officer said he could not provide details.

"The electricity usage knows Ma'am, because the meter is in Ma'am's house. So I don't know exactly how to use it. Not all of the meter lab results are correct, it could be the meter is wrong. So it's better to check first. We also can't provide detailed details. because the tool is still manual. If the power is above 16,000 VA it is already using a digital meter that can record every 15 minutes. We can see, "he said.

No Installment Payment Policy

Rosy asked again after completing the laboratory test and the results of the meter were not wrong, what was the next solution offered by PLN. Because, with a bill of Rp. 10 million, he admitted that it was heavy.

Rosy also asked whether she would get a 60 percent installment policy in June and the remaining 40 percent was charged in the next three months. However, the officer said, Rosy could not get the policy.

"You can't, Ma'am. Because here the code recorded is RK_Baru, meaning there is no payment policy in installments. If the code is RK_Correction, the payment can be paid in installments. But here it is immediately rounded to Rp10 million," he said.

The officer then advised Rosy to submit a request to the PLN Manager at the Jatinegara Branch Office for payment relief by means of 60 percent and 40 percent installments.

"Ma'am, give me a request, I'll help talk to my boss later. Whether or not it can be, depends on my boss, because he is the one who decides. Applications can be submitted here," he explained.

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