
JAKARTA - The case of Anies Baswedan photo manipulation which is shown as a figure resembling the Joker has entered a new chapter. After examining a number of parties such as complainants, witnesses, and reported parties, this case is now entering the stage of a case title.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that the title of the case was carried out as the basis for determining whether Fahira Idris' report against Ade Armando fulfilled the criminal element or not.

Later, if a criminal offense is found in Article 32 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 48 Paragraph 1 of Law (UU) Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, this case will be raised to the stage of investigation.

Otherwise. If no criminal element is found in the title of the case, then this case is automatically canceled. "The initial title is to determine whether the elements in Article 32 of the ITE Law are included, according to the suspicions," said Yusri in Jakarta, Monday, December 9.

The title of the case is planned to be held this week. Several criminal experts have also been prepared. Experts will later be the party that considers the fulfillment of the criminal element in Ade's engineering photo uploading similar to the Joker.

"We will again summon expert witnesses in the field of language, in the field of cyberspace, cyber, everything," said Yusri.

Two weeks ago, Ade underwent an examination related to the case. Investigators over three hours dig up Ade's statement. 16 questions faced by Ade. However, at that time Ade said, of all the questions, only a few referred to the subject matter.

The rest is only related to personal data. "Of the dozens of questions, only six or seven were related to the case," said Ade Armando at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, November 20.

Uploads of Ade Armando (Facebook / Ade Armando)

Description Ade

That day, Ade also explained that he got the Anies-Joker meme from a WhatsApp group. Regarding who made it, Ade admits that he doesn't know. He also admitted that he did not manipulate the photo. On that basis, Ade is confident that Fahira's report will not take him to prison.

"I didn't make, change, destroy, and add the image. I don't know who sent it to me ... I got it from the WA group. So, something spread, I uploaded it and that's a lot of it," said Ade.

Fahira's report was made on Friday, November 1. The report is the aftermath of Ade's upload for DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan's meme with visual processing similar to the fictional character Joker.

The report is registered in the report number LP / 7057 / XI / 2019 / PMJ / Dit. Reskrimsus, November 1, 2019. Thus, Ade Armando is suspected of violating Article 32 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 48 paragraph 1 Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

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