
JAKARTA - The police are listed as one of the institutions that have committed the most violations against minority rights. A tough task awaits the new police chief, Idham Azis.

The research report on religious freedom conducted by the Setara Institute places the police as the most prominent actor from the state in their involvement in discrimination related to religious freedom. At least 480 violations have been committed by the police in the last 12 years.

So ironic. This is because, as state administrators, the police should protect the rights of citizens to freedom of religion or belief. However, this is not directly proportional to the fact that the police are one of the most prominent offenders apart from the local government. "The question is, is the police always optimal in protecting the constitutional rights of every citizen, especially for minority groups? I don't think so. give serious criticism to the police for not performing their optimal function, "said Research Director of the Setara Institute, Halili, in a discussion in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday (11/7/2019).

Reflecting on this fact, Idham Azis is now the burden of the new police chief. Protecting the rights of minorities to become fully religious has become Idham Azis' main task. According to Halili, this task is not an easy task. Reflecting on the previous leadership, for example. Tito Karnavian is even considered to have failed to make this happen.

"The issue that we can most attribute to the new National Police Chief should show leadership that emphasizes diversity ... We must remain critical of the facts on the ground, so many minorities are victims of freedom of religion and belief," he said.

Police internal reform

Regarding the protection of minority communities, Setara encouraged Idham Azis to fix the internal sector of the Police. This is because several members of the police have been exposed to radical thoughts and this is evidenced by the arrests of their members. "Starting from Brigadier K in Jambi in 2018 to Bripda NOS who was arrested twice in 2019. So it is urgent for the Chief of Police to conduct a thematic audit in his top position. officials and ideological screening in internal recruitment, "said Halili. It didn't stop there, based on a survey they conducted in 2017, there was a real potential threat to Pancasila. This potential was detected by the effort to replace the state foundation of Pancasila with another foundation or ideology. It was noted that out of the 171 schools they surveyed, 0.3 percent of students were exposed to the ideology of terror; 2.4 percent are active intolerant; 35.7 percent are passive intolerant and 61.6 are tolerant. Meanwhile, in 2019, by taking a sample from ten state universities, it was recorded that 8.1 percent of students wanted to fight to make their beliefs a formal state regulation.

"For ASNs, we have a policy study in 2018 which confirms that ASNs are exposed to radicalism, in this context members of the police too," he explained. So, based on these figures, Halili said the police had to take the right role, especially regarding law enforcement and threat prevention. on the basis of the state in accordance with applicable laws. Of course, this enforcement and prevention must be carried out democratically and not using violent means. "Democratic and non-violent approaches must be prioritized in dealing with these threats, as the same approach must also be chosen as a priority in handling peaceful actions," he concluded.

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