
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) is scheduled to hold an isbat session to stipulate Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1446 Hijri on Saturday 29 March. Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar revealed that there is a possibility that Eid al-Fitr will fall on Monday 31 April, which has the potential to be celebrated simultaneously by the government, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and Muhammadiyah.

"The potential is to coincide. Yes, the potential is the same as Eid, March 31, 2025," said Nasaruddin Umar on Saturday, March 22.

According to Nasaruddin, the potential for the same Eid al-Fitr celebration between the government and Muhammadiyah is based on objective conditions for the calculation of the hilal. Based on the hisab method, the position of the hilal is still below zero degrees, minus three degrees to be exact.

Meanwhile, the elongation of the hilal is also still low and does not meet the standard criteria that have been set, namely the height of the hilal at least three degrees with an elongation of about six degrees.

However, Nasaruddin appealed to the public to wait for the official results of the isbat session which will be held on Saturday, March 29. The initial determination of Syawal will begin with monitoring the hilal at various locations throughout Indonesia before it is officially decided through an isbat trial.

This trial involved various parties, including ulama, astronomers, Falak experts from Islamic community organizations, and related agencies. The main goal of this trial is to reach an agreement in determining the beginning of the Hijri month, so that Muslims in Indonesia have the same guidelines in carrying out worship.

The trial was held considering two main methods, namely the reckoning (economic calculations) and the rukyat (hilal observations). The hisab method is used to estimate the position of the hilal mathematically, while the rukyat is carried out with direct observations at various monitoring points in Indonesia.

The decision of this trial will be a reference for Muslims in determining Eid al-Fitr celebrations, both simultaneously and differently, depending on the results of hilal observations.

Thus, Muslims in Indonesia are expected to be able to follow the government's official decision after holding an isbat session in determining the Eid al-Fitr celebration, in order to maintain togetherness and unity in carrying out worship.

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