
JAKARTA - The Independent Indonesian Student Committee (KIM-Indonesia) held a demonstration on Friday (21/3) as a form of moral support for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in handling cases of alleged corruption between the Regent and Deputy Regent and 24 sub-district heads in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi.

The Field Coordinator of the Ubay Demonstration Action expressed his trust in the KPK leadership who still has proven integrity in carrying out their duties and functions in accordance with the applicable authorities and guidelines in order to eradicate the KKN.

"The presence of us here is a form of support for the KPK leadership to carry out its duties and responsibilities that have been mandated by the constitution, we also believe that the KPK leadership has integrity in responding to various corruption cases." he said.

The demonstrators emphasized that all parties should not make history. The 1998 reform was a reflection of the movement responding to the poor practice of KKN, thus damaging political, economic and social stability.

"So KIM is here as an extension of the government's hand to remind institutions that have the authority to eradicate KKN such as the KPK to continue to uphold the truth and eradicate KKN," he said.

Quoting the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the audit of regional expenditures in the 2024 Binggai Regency, BPK found a problem suspected of having a practice against the law or rasua which was carried out collectively by the Regent and Deputy Regent and 24 sub-district heads in Banggai Regency with a Total Budget Ceiling of Rp. 123,853,529,729

It is known that the BPK findings were based on the delegation of the Banggai Regent's authority to 24 sub-districts where there were administrative discrepancies and irregularities in the procurement of goods whose management was allegedly detrimental to state/regional finances.

In his oration, the Ubay field coordinator said the Banggai Regent was suspected of abusing his authority which ordered 24 sub-district heads to spend Rp5 billion from the APBD which strongly indicated the existence of corrupt practices.

In another oration, Student President of BEM UIC-Jakarta Iksan said that from the Audit Result Report (LHP) of the BPK representative of Central Sulawesi found that Shopping and Expenditure Realization of IDR 18.2 billion came from goods expenditures in 15 sub-districts which became the focus of the audit.

However, the picking test audit found that the expenditure of goods worth IDR 2.18 billion did not match the actual conditions.

Ketum Komisariat Hukum HMI Branch Jakarta Raya Jainudin also emphasized that the KPK cannot remain silent with allegations of corruption and abuse of authority by the Regent of Banggai (Amirudin) to the 24 sub-districts, the KPK must immediately investigate it thoroughly because in this case it has met the legal requirements for the KPK to act.

"We, the Independent Indonesian Student Committee (KIM-Indonesia), urge the KPK to immediately thoroughly investigate allegations of corruption in the Regent and Deputy Regent of Banggai (Amirudin and Furqanuddin) and their kronins (24 sub-districts)," the demonstrators demanded.

Urges the KPK to immediately arrest the Regent and Deputy Regent of Banggai and his kronins 24 sub-district heads who are suspected of being involved in the practice of KKN, "continued the demands of the demonstrators.

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