Bogor Regency - Bogor Regent, West Java, Rudy Susmanto and local TNI-Polri ranks facilitated teenagers to carry out positive activities in the form of street racing in the Pakansari Stadium Circle, Cibinong, Saturday morning.
"So that the activity becomes positive, together we will hold a running competition tonight, and of course tonight's activities we will continue together so that young people have a positive forum," said Rudy, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, March 22, while reviewing the street racing accompanied by the Bogor Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro, Dandim 0621 Lieutenant Colonel Inf. Henggar Tri Wahono, and Chairman of the Bogor Sastra Regency DPRD Winara.
He explained that this running competition was an effort to divert the concentration of teenagers who used to hang out in the Pakansari Stadium area until midnight, to a positive activity.
In addition, said Rudy, the Bogor Regency Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) will also immediately accommodate teenagers who are still carrying out illegal activities in the form of illegal motorcycle racing on several roads.
"We will participate in several legal matches, not on the road anymore. But the consequence is that if we still find that there are illegal races, the Bogor Police will take firm action," he said.
Rudy hopes that by accommodate every positive activity of teenagers, it can produce achievements for these teenagers for Bogor Regency.
After Eid, the Bogor Regency Forkopimda will hold several competitions, one of which is officially motorcycle racing at the designated location in the future.
"Those who like motorcycle racing on the road will prepare a place to use equipment, use helmets for their safety, because they are the future, assets of the Bogor Regency Government, assets of the Indonesian nation," said Rudy.
However, he stressed to teenagers not to make the facilitated competition a means for gambling or betting.
"So tonight's event is that we are fighting gambling together, so that it becomes a positive competition, the place we prepare, we prepare the forum, the match becomes fair, and young people to reduce and eliminate brawls in Bogor Regency," he concluded.
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