
JAKARTA - Making a draft regulation on the Governance of Child Protection in the Implementation of Electronic Systems (TKPAPSE) or child protection rules in the digital space has involved all relevant parties and will be affected by the regulation. This was confirmed directly by the Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid.

"In principle, we follow the process of making a rule that all stakeholders are involved, including all platforms," said Meutya when met in Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, March 23.

Meutya said that currently the rules that are currently entering the synchronization process between ministries and institutions were specifically formed on the basis of direct direction from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto.

Therefore, it is very well noted that all parties who are invited to discuss or are asked for their opinion so that this rule can provide protection for children from the dangers of cyber crime.

Starting from academics, non-profit bodies that are also groups of children's observers, digital platforms, especially social networking providers, and even children from various elementary school (SD) to high school (SMA) education groups are actively involved in the formation of TKPAPSE rules.

With a long discussion, one of the points that is considered important by many parties and will be part of the TKPAPSE rules is related to restrictions on the creation of accounts for children, especially on social media.

"Baragulan tepatnya adalah pembatasan akun anak di ruang digital khususnya untuk sosial media. Jadi anaknya tetap ya, kalau menggunakan atau disamping or orang tua tua boleh. Kita tidak ada berusaha membatasi anak dari kemajuan teknologi. Namun yang tidak boleh adalah mereka (anak-anak) punya akun sendiri dan menjalankan sendiri ( tanpa pendampingan)," ujar Menkomdigi.

He hopes that the public can look forward to this rule because actually this draft regulation is only one step away from being inaugurated.

"We'll wait, hopefully it can be (resmiated) in the near future, please pray for it," said Meutya.

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