JAKARTA The case of the theft of electronic goods at the Koedapan Nusantara food shop on Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Selong Village, Kebayoran Baru District, South Jakarta was revealed. One perpetrator with the initials MIM (29) was arrested in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta.
The Head of Crime at the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Igo Fazar Akbar SIK, MSi, explained that the arrest of MIM began with the victim's report, MK (25) a woman, to the Kebayoran Baru Police, South Jakarta, in February.
AKP Igo Fazar explained, the reporter, namely the Constitutional Court, said that the incident began when the victim arrived at the Koedapan Nusantara food shop at 06:47 WIB, to work.
The victim saw that the shop was in disarray, the shop key was broken. It is suspected that something was wrong, so the Constitutional Court checked the valuables stored in it.
"After checking one by one, there are items that are missing. Namely one Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 + 5G unit", said AKP Igo Fazar Akbar to reporters, Wednesday, March 19.
Feeling aggrieved, the Constitutional Court also reported the incident to the Kebayoran Lama Police, South Jakarta.
Police officers who received the report immediately examined witnesses and CCTV around the crime scene (TKP).
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"After checking the CCTV metal, it was discovered that a male perpetrator wearing a red wama shirt had taken the Tab (Samsung A9). Then the perpetrator fled," he explained.
Based on the results of the investigation, the South Jakarta Metro Police Crime Unit Opsnal Team led by the Head of Subunit Vice Control IPDA Adithya Aji Pratama S.Tr.K., MH together with the opsnal team, arrested MIM, at a boarding house on Jalan Sabeni Raya No.7, RT 012/012, Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday 19 March, at 17.05 WIB.
MIM admitted that the theft was carried out on Friday night, February 28, at around 20.00 WIB. MIM together with evidence, namely Samsung A9, was taken to the South Jakarta Metro Police to undergo legal proceedings. MIM was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code.
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