
Tangerang - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) raided an illegal cosmetic industry house on Jalan Gunung Indah VI, Cirendeu, East Ciputat, on Wednesday, March 19. BPOM managed to secure two people who would be handed over to the police.

The head of BPOM, Taruna Ikrar, explained that the two suspects who were arrested were a married couple with the initials K and IKC. Both are known to work as pharmacists.

"We have arrested both of them," said Taruna to reporters in Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel), Wednesday, March 19.

In the operation, BPOM confiscated thousands of cosmetic products packaged in bottles and pots. These products are known to contain hazardous chemicals such as Hydroquinon, Tretinoin, Betametason, Deksametason, and Klindamisin that do not have a health permit.

The cadets said that the illegal cosmetic industry house had been operating for two years. Production capacity reaches 5,000 skincare packages per day, with an estimated turnover of IDR 1 billion per month.









These products are distributed to various regions such as Semarang, Medan, and Makassar, added Taruna.

He also explained that the products were packaged in the form of bottles, pots, and tubes without the appropriate label.

After the raid and confiscation of evidence, BPOM will seal the industrial house to ensure it does not operate again.

"We carried out this sealing process to prevent this illegal production activity from happening again," he concluded.

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