
The Commander of Kodam II/Sriwijaya Major General TNI Ujang Darwis stated that two members of the TNI suspected of shooting three members of the National Police were still witnesses.

The two members of the TNI are known to Peltu Lubis as Dansubramil Negara Batin and Kopka Basarsyah who are members of the Bantin State Subramil.

"So these two individuals are still witnesses," said Ujang to reporters at the Lampung Regional Police, Wednesday, March 19.

The two of them have not been named as suspects because the investigation process is still ongoing. Moreover, the determination must be supported by evidence and information as the basis

"If he is proven later, we will determine and we will enforce the law," said Ujang.

The two soldiers surrendered shortly after the shooting incident occurred. Currently, the two TNI members are being held at the Lampung Military Police Detachment (Denpom).

Previously, Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Helmy Santika said that the two TNI members had admitted to shooting. In fact, the shooting used homemade firearms.

"Then also carried out shootings and carrying firearms. However, they were delivered homemade firearms," said Helmy.

The shooting took place when the police raided the practice of cockfighting gambling in Karang Manik Village, Batin State District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung, on Monday, February 17.

During the raid, the two soldiers carried out the shooting, causing three policemen to die.

The three policemen who died as a result of the shooting were AKP (posthumous) Lusiyanto, Aipda (posthumous) Petrus Apriyanto and Brigadier M Ghalib Surya Ganta.

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