North Jakarta Metro Police held a hidden prayer and read Yasin's letter as a form of respect for three police personnel suspected of being victims of the shooting of TNI personnel when raiding the location of the cockfighting gambling in Lampung on March 17.
The three victims were the Head of the Batin State Police, Way Kanan AKP (posthumous) Lusiyanto, Aipda (posthumous) Petrus Apriyanto, and Brigadier (posthumous) M. Ghalib Surya Ganta.
The activity took place at the Madani Mosque, North Jakarta Police, and was attended by hundreds of police officers who gathered to carry out the hidden prayer and read Yasin's Letter together. The North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Ahmad Fuady, led this activity and said that togetherness and solidarity between members of the police must be maintained, especially in a situation of mourning like this.
"This is a form of respect and prayer from us for the three members of the police who have died. May their deeds of worship be accepted by Allah SWT, and the families left behind will be given strength and fortitude," said Kombes Pol Ahmad Fuady.
After the implementation of the hidden prayer, the participants continued with the reading of Yasin's letter dedicated to the three deceased. The police chief hopes that the prayers offered can be a light for those who have passed away and reminds all parties of the importance of solidarity and concern between others.
"Hopefully these three colleagues will be given the best place by Allah SWT, and their families will be given strength in facing this disaster. We will always remember their services and dedication while on duty," he concluded.
This activity is expected to be a form of moral support for the families of the victims as well as a symbol of unity and strength in facing severe trials.
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