
TARAKAN (Kapolda) North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto, led the handover ceremony for a number of Main Officials and Chief of Police of the Kaltara Police.

The event took place at the Kayan Polda Kaltara Rupatama Hall, Monday (17/3).

Several strategic positions have changed, including the Dirreskrimum Polda Kaltara, which was previously held by Kombes Pol Bambang Wiriawan, replaced by Kombes Yudhistira Midyahwan.

Meanwhile, the position of the Head of ICT of the North Kalimantan Police, previously held by Kombes Yudhistira Midyahwan, has now shifted to Kombes I Nyoman Mertha Dana.

The position of Dirlantas Polda Kaltara, which was previously held by Kombes Arief Budiman, was handed over to Kombes Mohamad Syarhan.

Then, the position of Dirsamapta Polda Kaltara is now held by AKBP Andreas Deddy Wijaya replacing Kombes Joko Heri Purwono.

Meanwhile, Karo Rena Polda Kaltara, previously held by Kombes Juli Eko Prihartono, has now switched to Kombes Robertus Bellarminus Herry Ananto Pratiknyo.

The Head of the North Kalimantan Regional Police, which was previously carried by Kombes Andrie Satiagraha, is now entrusted to Kombes Janes H. Simamora.

The replacement also occurred at the Kapolres level, the Tarakan Police Chief, previously held by AKBP Adi Saptia Sudirna, is now handed over to AKBP Erwin Syahputra Manik, who previously served as Tana Tidung Police Chief.

Tana Tidung Police Chief has now changed to AKBP Eko Nugroho, Malinau Police Chief, previously held by AKBP Heru Eko Wibowo, to AKBP Imam Irawan.

The handover ceremony was marked by the signing of minutes and integrity pacts, as a form of commitment for new officials in carrying out their duties with high professionalism and integrity.

In his mandate, the Kaltara Police Chief emphasized that mutations and changing positions are part of the dynamics of the organization which aims to increase the effectiveness of the police's duties in maintaining security and public order.

He also reminded newly appointed officials to immediately adapt to their respective duties and strengthen synergies with local governments, the TNI, and elements of society in maintaining security stability in the North Kalimantan region.

"This certificate is part of the organizational refreshment in order to increase the effectiveness of the police's duties in maintaining security and public order. To the new officials, I hope they can immediately adapt to the new task environment and increase synergy with local governments, TNI, and elements of society," said the Kapolda.

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