
JAKARTA - Large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Jakarta inevitably make land transportation workers, especially public transportation, increasingly sluggish. Many fleet owners, drivers, and bus drivers have lost income due to policies restricting human movement as an effort to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Land Transportation Organization (Organda) Shafruhan Sinungan said the large decrease in vehicle operating activities. Of the 85,902 registered public transport fleets, now only 8,500 are still able to operate.

In fact, the operation of intercity and inter-provincial buses (AKAP), inter-provincial shuttle (AJAP), and tourism is currently one hundred percent paralyzed. Since March 30, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has temporarily suspended the operation of the buses with routes from and to Jakarta.

If there are still bus operators, both AKAP, AJAP, and tourism that operate their bus fleets, they will be subject to sanctions according to applicable regulations. "All modes of public transportation are no longer able to sustain their business," said Shafruhan, contacted Wednesday, April 8.

"Thus, workers in the transportation industry sector are threatened with income or layoffs," he added.

Photo illustration of Jakarta during the pandemic (Angga Nugraha / VOI)


The DKI Provincial Government has not completely stopped the flow of transportation. Other public transportation, such as microbus, taxi, bajaj, rental transportation, and freight transportation can still operate.

However, said Shafruhan, this public transport income has slumped due to the impact of the policy of studying and working from home, the closure of public facilities and entertainment venues, and the cessation of religious activities. "With the stay at home policy, it reduces the mobility of public transportation, as a result of the reduced mobility of the people," he said.

When people do not leave their homes and take public transportation, they automatically lose their income. Therefore, Shafruhan asked Anies to provide incentives and stimuli that can help the livelihoods of public transport workers.

First, Shafruhan asked Anies to waive the BBN-KB and Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) fees and to exempt all local public transport levies. He also asked the DKI Pemprov to pay in full the transportation operators that have contracted with Transjakarta (Jaklingko), and provide assistance in the form of BLT to all public transport workers as a social safety net.

"We hope this is the main priority of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government to be realized. This is talking about the stomach. It is very sensitive. If it is not fulfilled, I am afraid there will be social unrest," he concluded.

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