
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) proposes a Hajj fee of 1446 Hijri/2025 AD of IDR 65.3 million per congregation. For the hajj quota, Indonesia gets 221,000 quotas in the hajj season next year.

"For the year 1446 H/2025 AD, the government proposed an average BPIH per pilgrim of Rp93,386,684.99 with a composition of BIPIH of Rp65,372,779.49 or 70 percent and the value of the benefits was Rp28,016,905.5 or 30 percent," said Minister of Religion= Nasaruddin Umar in a meeting with Commission VIII DPR, Monday, December 30.

"The components charged directly to the hajj pilgrims using the basic assumption above, the Government proposes the average cost of the year's BIPIH amount of Rp65,372,779.49," he continued.

The hajj cost component includes flight costs from thembarkation to Saudi Arabia (PP) amounting to Rp 34,386,390.68, Makkah accommodation Rp 15,232,011.90, Medina accommodation Rp 4,454,403.48, living cost Rp 3,200,002.50, community service packages (partially) amounting to Rp 8,099,970.94.

"So, the hajj flight cost component is prepared permbarkation by taking into account the distance from each embarkation to Saudi Arabia. Then, the government considers the principle of efficiency and effectiveness in determining the BPIH component, so that the implementation of the pilgrimage can be carried out properly, at a reasonable cost," said Nasaruddin.

Nasaruddin explained that the basic assumption in drafting the amount of BPIH used the assumption that the Rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar in recent times. "Therefore, in the proposed BPIH in 1446H/2025, we still propose to use the assumption that the US dollar value or the exchange rate of seats against the rupiah is IDR 16,000," he said.

"So we take the standard one. Referring to the basic macroeconomic assumption in 2025, while the assumption of the SAR exchange rate against the rupiah is Rp. 4,266.67 per SAR," added Nasaruddin.

The Ministry of Religion proposes that the amount of living cost remains the same as last year, which is the amount of SAR Rp750. Payments will be made in the form of SAR with the consideration of protecting the Hajj era from large fluctuations in the exchange rate set by the money exchange company.

The BPIH budget for 1446 H/2025 AD is grouped into two components, namely the components charged directly to the Hajj era are said to be the cost of Hajj or BIPIH travel, and the components charged to the benefit value fund later by BPKH.

"Now the BPIH component, to fulfill the principles of justice and sustainability of hajj funds, the government has formulated a formulation for the loading of BPIH in 1446 H/2025 AD which has gone through a study process. The BPIH component formulation policy was taken to balance the amount of the congregation's burden with the sustainability of BPIH's benefit value in the future," concluded Nasaruddin.

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