KARAWANG - Class I Immigration Office Non TPI Karawang Regency, West Java, issued 54,303 passports from January to December 2024.
Head of the Class I Immigration Office of Non TPI Karawang, Petrus Teguh Aprianto, in Karawang, Sunday said, in 2024 his party is targeting 50,400 passports.
With the issuance of 54,303 passports from January to December, the issuance of passports by the Karawang Immigration Office has exceeded the target.
"The public's interest is increasing. This happens because the passport is a validity period of 10 years, even if there is no plan to leave the country, it can be done in case you have the passport," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, December 29.
He conveyed that the issuance of these passports was divided into three types, namely 48 pages of non-electronic passports, 24 pages of non-electronic passports and 48 pages of electronic passports.
For the 48-page non-electronic passports that have been issued as many as 31,413, 3,476 non-electronic passports and 48-page,414 electronic passports.
According to him, among the purposes of issuing passports is dominated by tourists with the aim of traveling. Then there are also passports issued on submissions for Umrah.
In addition, there are also reasons for making passports for formal work purposes, Hajj, continuing studies, Indonesian migrant workers and there are also reasons for treatment.
This year, said Petrus, the Karawang Immigration Office has also rejected 111 passport applications, on suspicion of being linked to a criminal act of trafficking in persons.
According to him, as many as 111 passport makings were rejected because it was indicated that they would become non-procedural Indonesian migrant workers. Because the prospective passport holders cannot provide a clear reason for making passports.
"During the interview, officers suspected the passport would be used to work illegally," he said.
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