The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is in the spotlight after the emergence of information regarding the determination of the Secretary-General of the PDI-P (PDIP), Hasto Kristiyanto, as a suspect in a corruption case.
Even though this news has been circulating in public, until now the KPK has stated that it will first verify the truth of the information. So, what articles ensnare Hasto Kristiyanto?
Reporting from the Antara page, the news of Hasto's entanglement began with a number of screenshots which were suspected to be an Investigation Order (Sprindik) from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) spread on Tuesday.
The Sprindik contains the name of the Secretary General of the PDI-P, Hasto Kristiyanto, as a suspect.
In addition, the contents of the sprindik indicate that Hasto is suspected of being involved in a bribery case to the Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) regarding the Interim Replacement (PAW).
Please note, this case previously also dragged the name of Harun Masiku, a former legislative candidate from the PDI-P.
Also read the article discussing Hasto Kristiyanto's Political Career: From Activists to KPK Suspects
There is information circulating that Hasto Kristiyanto is suspected of being a suspect in a bribery case related to the fugitive from the KPK, Harun Masiku.
The determination of the suspect's status is reportedly stated in the investigation warrant (sprindik) numbered Sprin.Dik/153/DIK.00/01/12/2024, which was issued on December 23, 2024.
Referring to the schedule for handing over the position of KPK leadership which will take place on December 20, 2024, the sprindik is thought to have been signed by the new KPK leadership.
This case relates to allegations of giving gifts or promises to state officials regarding the appointment of elected candidates for DPR RI members for the 2019-2024 period at the General Election Commission (KPU).
This scandal dragged Harun Masiku's name, who has been a fugitive since January 17, 2020, for continuing to avoid being summoned by investigators.
Apart from Harun, this case also involved a former member of the KPU for the 2017-2022 period, Wahyu Setiawan, who had been convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison.
Nevertheless, Wahyu is now serving a conditional release after serving his sentence at the Class I Kedungpane Penitentiary, Semarang, Central Java.
The spokesman for the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP, Chico Hakim, said that his party had not initially received official information regarding the appointment of the PDIP Secretary General, Hasto Kristiyanto, as a suspect in the bribery case involving Harun Masiku.
Chiko explained that until now there was no accurate information received regarding Hasto's status as a suspect.
Interestingly, Chico even highlighted the alleged legal politicization which he thought was getting stronger against the PDI-P. He mentioned that the issue of determining Hasto as a suspect had been circulating for a long time.
Chiko gave an example when assessing the BI CSR case and showing that the status of the suspects against two people could be corrected, so that similar allegations against Hasto have been of concern for a long time.
In addition, Chico considered that there were efforts to weaken the PDIP, although he emphasized that the pressure actually strengthened the solidarity of the cadres.
Finally, Chiko revealed that the sprindik threat to several general chairmen of other parties who then gave up and followed certain policies or supports became clear evidence of legal politicization.
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