
The Implementing Coordinator of Stranas PK, Pahala Nainggolan, stated that Simkasatu was designed such as the Mineral and Coal Information System (Simbara), which has been used to maximize state revenues from commodities such as coal and nickel.

"Why do we encourage Simkaatu? So like Simbara for coal, this palm oil will start this year," said Pahala, Wednesday, December 11.

He explained that Simkasatu will allow the monitoring of crude palm oil (CPO) volume produced by palm oil companies through storage tank data.

This information will be compared to the SPT (Annual Notification Certificate) report from the related company to detect any discrepancy in the data. "If it's different, please check it," said Pahala.

In addition, data on tax revenues from Simkasatu will be linked to the Population Identification Number (NIK) and Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), which have now been integrated. This aims to facilitate access to tax services and increase supervision accuracy.

"Endingly, the Directorate General of Taxes has better comparative data. So we can increase state revenues. Although it is not directly significant through digitalization, we collect more accurate data to support inspection by the Directorate General of Taxes," explained the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK.

Pahala berharap Simkasatu dapat segera diterapkan, mengingat masih banyak potensi penerimaan negara dari sektor sawit yang belum tergarap. Ia mencontohkan, berdasarkan estimasi konservatif di Riau, terdapat potensi penerimaan pajak sebesar Rp4 triliun dari 260 Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PKS) yang belum dipungut negara.

"Dengan modelling sederhana, produktivitas per hektare dan harga paling konservatif, di Riau saja ada potensi Rp4 triliun dari pajak sawit yang belum tergarap. Itu baru dari CPO, belum termasuk produk turunannya," pungkas Pahala.

This step is expected to optimize state tax revenues, while strengthening supervision and transparency in the palm oil industry.

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