WEST LOMBOK Dozens of female students at the Islamic Boarding School Islahuddiny, Kediri District, West Lombok, experienced mass poisoning on Friday, December 8, shortly after their parents' visit. The students are suspected of being poisoned by unhygienic food
Kediri Police Chief, AKP Jahadi Sibawaih, explained that the symptoms of poisoning began to be felt by the female students immediately after the visit ended. They experience stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, fever, and vomiting.
At first, the victims were treated at the Islamic boarding school. However, because the number continues to grow, they were referred to the Kediri Health Center. Because the capacity of the Puskesmas is full, several female students have been transferred to the Tripat Gerung Hospital, Labuapi Health Center, and the Awet Muda Narmada Hospital," said AKP Jahadi, Sunday, December 8.
Based on information from the pesantren, the provisional suspicion is that the food brought by the santri family during the visit. In addition, snacks purchased around the pesantren are also suspected of being the main cause.
One of the students said that daily food in simple boarding schools, such as tofu and tempeh. However, during the visit, the family brought various foods that might not be hygienic or already contaminated," said Jahyadi.
Istiqomah, a health worker from the Kediri Health Center, said that the students were referred to health facilities in a weak condition and low blood pressure.
We provide intensive care, including infusions for all patients. Due to limited facilities, some patients were referred to other hospitals. Alhamdulillah, all the victims we have handled have recovered and been discharged this morning," said Istiqomah.
He added that six additional students came to the Puskesmas in the morning with similar symptoms. However, their condition was more stable after receiving treatment.
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kediri Police is currently investigating the exact cause of the poisoning. Food samples suspected of being the source of poisoning are being tested to determine the cause.
The Kediri Police Chief appealed to the public, especially the santri family, to be more careful with bringing food during visits. Make sure the food is clean and suitable for consumption. In addition, pesantren managers are also expected to be more alert to snacks around the cottage environment so that similar cases do not happen again," concluded Jahyadi.
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